Published by World Tibet Network News - Wednesday, January 03, 1996
Source: `Xizang Ribao', Lhasa, in Chinese 11 Dec 95 p2
The Chinese regional newspaper from Tibet `Xizang Ribao' has published an article which condemns the Dalai Lama as a tool of the West in its plan to split and weaken China. The article says that the West used religion as a means of destabilizing Eastern Europe and bringing about "peaceful evolution" to liberalism. This tactic is being used also by the Dalai Lama. In particular, the West's support for the Dalai Lama has increased since 1989, because of the perception that Tibet is a "weak link" in China. The following is the text of the article by Li Bing (3810 0365) entitled: "Dalai is a tool of hostile forces in the West"; subheadings as published.
Is the Dalai a religious leader or a tool employed against China by hostile forces in the West? We will get a clearer answer to that from an examination of the Dalai's ties to western nations.
1. Western hostile forces back the Dalai's "Tibetan independence" activities us a form of "national self-determination"
In today's world, ethnic contradictions and conflicts have become a worldwide problem; they have also been used by western nations as a key strategy for promoting peaceful evolution in socialist countries. Since the mid-eighties, hostile forces in the West have constantly employed "national self-determination" to promote reactionary propaganda for "self-determination in Tibet". In 1990, 250 anti-China elements from Britain, United States, France, Japan and 24 other nations attended a "Council of Friends of Tibet", at which they decided to step up contact with "dissidents" in China and get three or four nations to first recognize the "Tibetan government in exile". Not long afterwards, more than 100 parliamentarians and anti-China elements from 34 western nations attended an " International Consultation Meeting on the Tibet Issue" in London, Britain, and issued a "Declaration for the Promotion of Self-Determination by Tibetans". Some western media lavished praise on the Dalai, calling him "a fighter fighting f
or the sovereignty and freedom of his nation" and even openly calling Tibet a country. They also provided financial and other assistance to the Dalai splittist clique.
Amid the clamour raised by hostile forces in the West, the Dalai has intensified activities aimed at promoting "the independence of Tibet". In 1987, the Dalai outlined a so-called five-point peace plan in the US Congress; he put out a new seven-point proposal at the European meeting in Strasbourg in 1988; and, after the "4th June" turmoil in 1989, the Dalai spread the word that "the independence of Tibet" would be accomplished within five to 10 years. Following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Dalai declared that he expected to see changes in Tibet within three years. The Dalai has been active here and there in recent years, urging the West to exert pressure on China, and has pronounced all sorts of wild talk. What real power does the Dalai possess? Does it not stem from the fact he can get US dollars and the backing of hostile western forces by promoting "the independence of Tibet" ? Otherwise he, who depends upon others for a living, would keep his mouth shut.
2. Hostile forces in the West make use of the human rights issue to interfere in China's internal affairs and the Dalai spares no effort in internationalizing the Tibet issue
Since June 1987, both the US Senate and House of Representatives have concocted resolutions on the so-called "Tibet issue" and "human rights in Tibet". Working closely with them, the Dalai splittist clique has stirred up one turmoil after another in Lhasa and other localities. The US Congress and some members of the European Parliament have openly supported the Dalai splittist clique in carrying out sabotage activities in Tibet and encouraged the US government and international organizations to interfere in Tibet's affairs, loudly urging that "the Chinese government immediately lift martial law in Tibet and release all political prisoners". For his part, the Dalai has painted a distorted picture of human rights in Tibet in western media and spared no effort in drawing international media attention to Tibet. The world human rights conferences, which are controlled by western nations, have continually made human rights in Tibet a hot topic. Even at the UN World Conference on Women in Beijing, hostile forces in
the West and the Dalai splittist clique presented a nauseating performance by fabricating rumours vilifying human rights conditions in Tibet. This is how the Dalai has worked hand in glove with hostile forces in the West.
Do Western nations really care about human rights in China and Tibet? During the Great Cultural Revolution, China's president was tormented to death, marshals and generals saw their families ruined and kin killed, and a large number of veteran cadres were brought down. At that time not a single parliamentarian in the United States or other western nations stood up to condemn human rights violations in China because China would remain destitute and weak if it continued walking down that road, and the Chinese nation would forever be under the sway of the West. Under the guidance of Comrade Deng Xiaoping theory on building socialism with Chinese characteristics, China today is marching on a path of its own choice, taking on a new look each year and achieving a dramatic change every few years. With the help of the whole nation, the Tibetan people's right to subsistence has been solved by and large, special care has been give to their right to development, and their political rights are guaranteed. The Dalai turn
ed a blind eye to these facts and betrayed his motherland by following the West. What are the "rights" they are talking about!
3. Hostile forces in the West have elevated the Dalai by awarding him prizes, and use him as a pawn to split China
The Dalai did not receive any international prizes in the 30 years between 1959, the year he fled abroad after the rebellion, and 1988, but since 1989 Western hostile forces have recognized Tibet as a weak link that could split China and the Dalai is the appropriate candidate to serve as a pawn. Consequently, a series of cheap international prizes were awarded to the Dalai, head of a separatist group. In a short period of time, the "(?Woolenbuck) Human Rights Prize" and the "Universal Fraternity Prize" of the United States, and the "Human Rights Prize" of Paris, France, were awarded to the Dalai. The Nobel Peace Prize, the purpose of which is harmony and goodwill among nationalities, was cheaply given to the Dalai, who betrayed the motherland, undermined national unity, and abetted and supported disturbances and riots.
What has the Dalai done for peace since he was "elevated" by Western hostile forces? Since 1989, the Dalai has instigated more than 120 large and small disturbances, constantly spreading separatist activities to rural and pastoral areas, and to party and government organizations. In 1993 alone, more than 15,000 rebellion-instigating letters were intercepted. While abroad, the Dalai has also incited Tibetan compatriots to launch the so-called "peace march towards Tibet" and dispatched violent elements to slip into Tibet to engage in criminal activities such as assassination and the detonation of bombs. When these schemes failed, the Dalai arbitrarily announced the reincarnated soul boy of the Panchen in May this year in violation of religious rituals and historical convention. Because the Dalai clique has constantly attempted to carry out sabotage activities, the maintenance of stability has become an important task for the Tibetan people. The Dalai clique is seriously interfering with the smooth progress of
economic construction in the region and is playing a sabotage role which Western hostile forces have failed to play.
4. Western hostile forces are using religion to promote peaceful evolution; in coordination with the west, the Dalai is vigorously trying to poison people's minds
"The United States and some other countries in the West are promoting peaceful evolution in socialist countries. Some people in the United States have called for fighting a world war without the smoke of gunpowder. We should heighten our vigilance."
Bourgeois politicians in the United States also know that what finally plays a decisive role in history is ideology, not weapons, and that spending one dollar on propaganda is equivalent to spending five dollars on national defence. How will the West begin their psychological attack? Religion, of course. This is because the use of religion can most easily blur the distinction between the religious sentiment of the masses and their political stand, and also the distinction between national sentiment and state awareness. Religion can also be used to hoodwink the people, confuse and poison people's minds, create splits and bring about peaceful evolution. Before the drastic changes in Eastern Europe took place, former US President Bush visited Poland and chose a church as the venue for his first address, because of all the countries of Eastern Europe, Poland is the one in which religious influence is the most profound. It was in Poland that the drastic changes in Eastern Europe occurred first. This is a profou
nd lesson. Until now the United States and Western countries have never relaxed for a moment their activities to split China by making use of religion.
Engineered by Western advisers, the Dalai, believing he can make use of Tibetan people's religious belief and national sentiment, has constantly incited religious fanaticism in the region and tried to enhance the masses' awareness of "fear of God" . He declared that to shout "Tibet independence" and "long live the Dalai" once is as good as chanting the Buddhist sutra 100 million times, and that whoever succeeds in distributing a copy of the Dalai's book will not go to hell, even if he dies seven times. This is an attempt to use religion to poison people's minds and help the West promote peaceful evolution.
Forwarded by Tseten Samdup