published by: World Tibet Network News, Sunday - December 25, 1995
Text of announcer-read report over video from the "Regional News Hookup' programme broadcast by Chinese regional TV from Tibet
The third regional secret protection work meeting was held in Lhasa on 14th November. Li Liguo, autonomous regional party committee standing committee member and secretary-general, chaired the meeting. Comrade Huang Shiliang, a leader from the state Secret Protection Bureau, made a special trip to Lhasa to attend the meeting. [video shows a room where a dozen or so people are seated in two rows beneath a red banner, facing about 100 people]
At the meeting, Comrade Chen Jiechang, autonomous regional government deputy secretary-general. relayed the minutes on the third meeting of the Central Secret Protection Committee and Comrade Ren Jianxin's speech. Deie Cuomu, autonomous regional party committee deputy secretary-general, summed up the region's secret protection work over the past two years. She said: Over the past two years, the region strengthened and expanded efforts to organize secret protection work, thus ensuring normal progress in relevant work. It achieved heartening results in publicizing and carrying out education on the legal system for secret protection, with the Secret Protection Law as the centrepiece. It sternly investigated and dealt with several cases in which secrets were leaked. During the same period, cadres and workers also heightened their awareness of protecting secrets. Over the past two years, all prefectures, cities, counties and most units directly under the autonomous regional government established or strengthened
leading organs and the rules and regulations for protecting secrets, and further improved measures to protect secrets. Technological achievements related to protecting secrets were also promoted and applied. [video shows a woman with Tibetan features speaking]
Source; Tibet TV. Lhasa, in Standard Chinese 1200 gmt 15 Nov 95