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Notizie Tibet
Maffezzoli Giulietta - 3 gennaio 1996
Published by World Tibet Network News - Sunday, January 07, 1996


From: will_campbell@mindlink.bc.ca (will campbell)



In Tibet, the PLA garrison had been reduced to one hundred thousand troops from the original tyrannous, occupation force of a half million troops. The balance of the garrison had been deployed on October 6 to Fujian Province to supplement the 38th Army Group during the attack of Taiwan. Over one hundred and fifty thousand of these troops who had brutally suppressed the Tibetan people, were still encamped in a temporary compound next to the headquarters of the Second Artillery Division. They all perished in the vaporizing explosion of the nuclear warhead aboard the RPV aircraft named Specter.

When news of the decapitation of the political and military leadership of Communist China was broadcast around the world on short-wave, the 'Free Tibetan Resistance Army' surfaced and began to furiously fight. Within two days, all of the remaining PLA garrisons in the country were over-run by the people of Tibet. Seventy thousand PLA troops perished during the first forty-eight hours, immediately following the news of the destruction of the National Command Center.

For many years, the 'Free Tibetan Resistance Army' had been smuggling weapons into their country, waiting and praying for such as moment as this. Two generations of Tibetans had waited expectantly and prayerfully *until their oppressors from Beijing were weak and vulnerable. The illusory Buddhist mask of peace was torn from the faces of millions of repressed Tibetans, revealing faces of incendiary rage* and all of that rage was now focused at their vulnerable Communist oppressors. PLA soldiers in the main squares of the villages and towns of Tibet were garroted or shot on sight with automatic weapons, following General Chen Lao-hong's destruction of the National Command Center in Beijing.

Troops who left the garrisons, were ambushed in the thousands by Tibetan freedom fighters armed with rocket propelled grenades, mortar rounds and hundreds of thousands of small arms. On the second day of the Battle for a Free Tibet, American stinger missiles were used to destroy the PLAAF's helicopter gunships, just as they had been so successfully dispatched against the Soviet Hind helicopter gunships in Afghanistan.

Tibet declared itself an independent nation and used the captured armaments of the PLA's Tibetan armories, to enforce the border which was demarcated. Every adult Tibetan was said to have then pledged an oath that they would die*before ever again permitting the occupation of their nation by the Communist Chinese. The surviving and shell-shocked remnant of the PLA were chased from Tibet, by a citizenry who for decades, had never stopped hating their brutal oppressors.

The Dalai Lama would soon leave Dharamsala, his guarded compound in India and return to his nation. The maroon-robed spiritual leader was overjoyed he could return and that the brutal genocide of the Tibetan people would now end. On the radio, he spoke to his countrymen.

"I am most thankful the jails have been opened throughout Tibet, as they are being opened throughout mainland China and that the brutal tortures and the killings of my people has ended. We rejoice that over a dozen nations, have already suggested our right to be free and independent. In Lhasa, shops can now have the language which they want on their doors, instead of the language the Communist Chinese soldiers forced upon them. Now our culture which has been so ruthlessly oppressed, can grow in this new freedom. We are also very thankful to the Republic of China for already offering so much aid to help us rebuild Tibet. We are thankful we can now rebuild our temples, for we will never forget during the past thirty years, Communist China callously destroyed over six thousand of our ancient temples and monasteries."

Weapons and munitions poured into Tibet from around the world to further enable their ability to protect their sovereignty. Battles in Tibet raged in outlying areas for weeks, with thousands of Tibetans who were regarded as collaborators and traitors being killed by the nationalist Tibetans. The Dalai Lama's strident appeal for peace, compassion and forgiveness was finally responsible for ending the violence.

Above the luminous, gilded pagodas of Lhasa's Sera Monastery, the bodies of several thousand Tibetan freedom fighters, who had so heroically given their lives to secure the blessings of freedom for their countrymen, were being chopped and prepared for the holy rite of sky burial. Indeed, over the next few weeks, thousands of lammergeiers, the enormous sand colored species of vulture, consumed a harvest of consecrated corpses on these ancient and holy burial sites upon the craggy mountains of Tibet. No longer would Tibet be subsumed within China and the Dalai Lama be denied his spiritual, political and historic responsibilities to the Tibetan people.

No longer would Chinese military officers indiscriminately arrest, imprison and torture the kindly and compassionate men and women of Tibet.

No longer would Chinese obstetricians so casually execute successive generations of new-born Tibetans with heinous lethal injections to the soft spots of the innocent children's heads. No longer would monasteries and Lamaist Buddhist Temples be exploded and bull-dozed.

No longer would the spirit of Mao Ze-dong and the evil heirs of Mao Ze-dong be the enemy of the dharma.

No longer would Tibet's rich, two thousand year old culture be purposefully destroyed by Communist China's aberrant fifty year old political philosophy and by mass immigrations of millions of mainland Chinese and by the forced migration of much of the finest of Tibet's youth to the farthest corners of Communist China.

No longer would the monks, nuns and laity of Tibet's Buddhist pacifism be forced by Communist Security Officers to publicly copulate and suffer other acts of painful and intolerable shame. Indeed, now the population of Tibet who were nangpa, within the faith, could openly practice their devotion. Now, any Tibetan, without fear of the dreaded Communist Public Security Bureau and the Ministry of State Security, could journey on a pilgrimage to Lhasa to view the Potala, the extraordinary one thousand room palace of the Dalai Lamas and to circumambulate the Barkhor, the inner circle of the Jokhang Temple in the middle of the city.

Now... two stark and obscene symbols of Communist oppression, the despicable and propagandist Communist Chinese Golden Yak and the infamous Tibetan Revolutionary Museum situated at the foot of the Potala, would be torn down.

Now... Tibetans throughout the nation could in peace openly chant their mantras, twirl their bronze prayer wheels, fill the remaining monasteries in deep devotion and live their lives in simple peace and generosity to enhance their good karma for their next incarnation.

On November 12, Tibet was declared a sovereign nation and was promptly recognized during the following week, by most of the nations of the world. President Teng Sun-hui of the Republic of China felt it was highly-symbolic that Tibet's national day of its declaration of independence, was the anniversary of the birthday of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Republic of China. President Teng sent a copy of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People, along with a congratulatory letter to the Dalai Lama on the occasion.

"The people of the Republic of China join in congratulating the people of Tibet on this celebration of your Independence. Your courage has enabled your nation to survive a long ordeal. We look forward to the establishment of diplomatic relations with Tibet and would consider it the privilege of the Republic of China, to assist you and your country in the task ahead of rebuilding Tibet. I regard it as significant, your declaration of independence as a nation, should occur on the anniversary of the birthday of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Dr. Sun detested the Marxian notions of class struggle and surely would have found abhorrent the political aberration which ruled the mainland of China for so long and which has brutally suppressed the right of your peoples to self-determination. Dr. Sun believed strongly in the tenants of Confucianism, of human brotherhood and benevolence. It is our nation's hope that Dr. Sun's vision and his ideals could help guide your nation, as it has guided our own, to economic progress and cult

ural, political and social advancement."

President Teng Sun-hui

On March 10 and 11 of the following year, in cities and villages throughout Tibet and around the world, great celebrations and solemn religious ceremonies of national thanksgiving were held. The occasion was that these were formerly the days*for over thirty years*when the people of Tibet and their international supporters remembered the barbarous invasion of Tibet by the merciless communist troops of the People's Republic of China.

Except that on this holy occasion... Tibet was finally... and thankfully... free!



URL http://www.chinaterror.com

Email: will_campbell@mindlink.bc.ca

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