Published by World Tibet Network News - Tuesday, January 09, 1996DHARAMSALA, January 09, 1996 (DIIR) -- According to our sources, Thubten who was arrested in 1994 for engaging in political activities was recently sentenced to five years imprisonment.
Personal Details:
Thubten, a small time businessman from Gyeva village in Zokhang County of Chamdo was recently sentenced to five years in prison. Thupten's family name is `Drong-me-tsang'. Before 1979, Thupten was deprived of his political rights.
Arrest and Sentence:
Thubten was arrested in January 1994 for putting up posters calling for the independence of Tibet in Tonpa Shan, in Chamdo. According to recently received reports, Thubten was brought to Lhasa and sentenced to five years in prison possibly in Drapchi prison.