Published by World Tibet Network News - Monday, January 15, 1996Congress of the United States
Washington, D.C. 20515
President Jiang Zemin
People's Republic of China
Dear President Jiang:
We are writing to express our deep concern over the current situation concerning the Panchen Lama of Tibet.
As you know, in the beginning of May, the Dalai Lama recognized six year old Gedhun (sic) Choekyi Nyima as the Eleventh Panchen Lama, in accordance with Tibetan tradition. According to reports, soon after this announcement, Gedhun, his parents, and Chatrel (sic) Rinpoche, head of the search committee for the Panchen Lama, disappeared. We would like to convey our great concern for the wlefare of Gedhum, his parents, and Chatrel Rinpoche.
We are also extremely disturbed by reports of the recent enthronement of another child as the next Panchen Lama, against the wishes of the Tibetan people. This is not only a blatant interference in a purely Tibetan tradition, but also a violation of the Tibetan people's fundamental human rights, including their rights to freedom of religion, speech, and association.
We in the Congress have long supported the efforts of the Dalai Lama to peacefully resolve the situation in Tibet through negotiations. The current activities by your government concerning the Panchen Lama are likely to lead to widespread dissatisfaction in Tibet and to further unrest. Such interference is no way to bridge the gap between your government and the Dalai Lama.
Thus, we urge you and your government to respect the long-standing traditions of the Tibetan people and to not interfere in their religious or cultural activities. We implore your assistance in securing the whereabouts and ensuring the safety of Gedhum, his parents, and Chatrel Rinpoche. We also urge you to take the necessary steps to begin substantigve negotiations with the Dalai Lama or his representative to bring long-lasting peace to Tibet. Such actions by you and your government will demonstrate to the international community your commitment to fundamental human rights and freedoms.
(signed by the following members of Congress)
1) John Edward Porter
2) Tom Lantos
3) Gerald B.H. Solomon
4) Dana Rohrabacher
5) Nancy Pelosi
6) Neil Abercrombie
7) Donald M. Payne
8) Howard L. Berman
9) Patricia Schroeder
10) Barney Frank
11) Richard A. Zimmer
12) John Lewis
13) Christopher H. Smith
14) Luis Gutierrez
15) Christopher C. Cox
16) Michael R. McNulty
17) Richard J. Durbin
18) Frank R. Wolf
19) Thomas J. Manton
20) Peter A. DeFazio
21) Frank Pallone, Jr.
22) William O. Lipinski
23) Eleanor Holmes Norton
24) Ronald V. Dellums
25) David E. Bonior