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Notizie Tibet
Maffezzoli Giulietta - 5 febbraio 1996
Published by World Tibet Network News - Monday, February 5, 1996

According to a report issued to Scot Slessor of the Canada Fund (CIDA) by Ms. Wu Guoying of the Qinghai Province Office of Minority Affairs (Minwei):

Heavy snow has struck three counties in the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture: Zhiduo, Zaduo and Yushu toward the end of Jan, 1996. Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in southern Qinghai Province, is populated almost entirely ethnic Tibetans who call themselves "Khampa." One of the most remote places in the world, it has over 900 mountains higher than 5000 meters high. It is also the source of the Mekong, Yellow and Yangtse rivers. On the border between the cultivated and nomadic areas, Yushu Prefecture is one of the poorest regions in China.

The local government took immediate rescue measures and therefore kept the damages to a minimum. At the moment the stranded nomads were settled on the roadsides of the highways in makeshift tents. Relief goods were being delivered th them by air. Surmang Township lies withing Yushu County.

Local people and organizations were called upon to donate cash or in kind, and people responded actively. The Qinghai Minwei donated RMB Yuan 10,000.

Another report states:

Since October 16, 1995, the six counties of the Yushu Tibet Autonomous Prefecture, (Yushu, Zaduo, Chenguo, Zhiduo, Qumalai, Nangduo) have had as many as 48 snowfalls, including four blizzards. Temperature dropped sharply -41 Yushu, -32 Zaduo, -45 Chengduo, -40 Zhiduo, -42 Qumalai.

The depth of the snow cover ranges from 0.3 to 1 meter. Dozens of thousands of people are suffering from snow blindness, cold, purple face, frost bit. 442,000 heads of livestock froze to death. Roads to these counties were closed by snow for many days. The road to Zhiduo is still not opened. In Yushu County (Surmang) the townships of Haxiu, Jielong, an are of 1040 kms had 235 households, 1141 nomads have been lost for three months since October 16. Snow started in late October and the farmers that were in the field at this time are reported lost. Losses are still being evaluated. The government mobilized and raised funds and supplies for relief.

After three months of struggle, the people are exhausted and progress has been very slow. Great shortage of grain, food, firewood, burnable yak dung, and medicines are reported. Some people have started to burn their furniture and tent posts for cooking and heat. They are also burning the bones of sheep and cattle. The situation is criticial --enormous loss of livestock, valued at 160,000,000 Yuan Renminbi. There are shortages of food. 12,282 people are reported suffeering from frostbite and snowblindness. Increasing numbers of people are catching influeza. The projected loss of livestock by the end winter is estimated at 500,000,000 Yuan Renminbi. Yushu is asking for help in the form of food, medicine, grain, and fuel. They want to buy these supplies in Qinghai and deliver to the stsricken areas.


In cooperation with Canada Fund, Friends of Surmang, Inc., a US- based charity that aids in community development in the remote Surmang area of Qinghai Province, today contributed 10,000 Yuan Renminbi (approx US$1250) to relief efforts due to the recent blizzards. The money will be used to purchase blankets, shoes, food and fuel for stranded Khampas in the Surmang Dutsi-til valley. The goods are being flown in and dropped by air. Canada Fund has contributed Canadian $40,000. Anyone wishing further information or willing to contribute may contact Friends of Surmang at:

surgate@sun.ihep.ac.cn or call or fax: 8610 849 9306



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