Published by World Tibet Network News - Tuesday - February 10, 1996From: L.GERSTEIN@EWORLD.COM (e-mail)
Many of you have contacted us to find out what you can do in your communities while we walk for Tibet's independence. To assist you, we have identified weekly themes for our walk. Each week we will target a specific theme & we encourage you, if you cannot join us for our walk, to address the same topic in your community. In other words, every week we will educate the public & press on a particular topic, and at the same time, we would like you to focus on this topic & share details about our walk. If enough of us commit to this plan, then throughout the entire 45 days of our walk, we will keep the Tibet issue alive & we will educate Americans about their role & the consequences of China's actions & policies for all of us. We strongly believe that you can walk with us, even if you are not physically present. What follows is a schedule of our weekly topics & some possible strategies you might employ personally & in your communities to address these topics.
Whatever strategy you use, we think it is critical that you clearly illustrate how the topic is relevant to Americans.
Basically, there are two types of strategies: doing something for Tibet & giving up something for Tibet.
March 10-March 16 Topic: The PRC's Military Buildup
March 17-March 23 Topic: Environmental Destruction in Tibet & Asia
March 24-March 30 Topic: Tibetan Political Prisoners
March 31-April 6 Topic: Women in Tibet & The PRC
April 7- April 13 Topic: Children in Tibet & The PRC
April 14-April 20 Topic: U.S. Trade with The PRC
April 21-April 25 Topic: The United Nations, The PRC, & Tibet The Panchen Lama's (Gedhun Choekyi Nyima) Birthday Celebration (April 25)
1. Show films
2. Organize presentations & community forums
3. Organize community boycotts
4. Educate businesspersons about the importance of boycotting Chinese goods
5. Write articles & letters for the newspapers
6. Organize interviews with the radio & TV stations
7. Organize press conferences
8. Develop & distribute flyers & posters
9. Organize benefit concerts 10. Meditate with us each day at 6PM (Eastern Standard Time)
11. Telephone 3 individuals each day & talk with them about China, Tibet, & the U.S.A.
12. Fly the Tibetan Flag at your home, business, and/or school
13. Burn white candles each evening in prominent or public places
14. Walk for Tibet's independence in your community
15. Purchase ($2) from ITIM & wear the button "Independence for Tibet" while we walk
16. Ask your radio stations to play "The Yak Band" (Purchase [$6] tape from ITIM)
17. Write letters to government officials (U.S. & PRC) & human rights' groups. Along with other issues, demand that Gedhun Choekyi Nyima be released & demand that he be allowed to attend his birthday celebration at the U.N. on April 25, 1996
18. Recite long life prayers for His Holiness The Dalai Lama & His Holiness The Panchen Lama
19. Recite prayers to remove the obstacles to restore Tibet's independence
20. Hold silent vigils as a way to symbolize the silent voices of Tibetans in Tibet
21. Visit internet chat rooms each day & educate & discuss Tibet, the PRC, & the U.S.A.
22. Purchase ($1 from ITIM) & wear rangzen bracelets demonstrating your support for Tibet's independence. Share these bracelets with your relatives & friends
23. Each day, wear the name of a different Tibetan Political Prisoner on your clothing
24. Organize hunger strikes for Tibet
25. Shave your head for Tibet
Further Information: Larry Gerstein, Ph.D. Co-Director, International Tibet Independence Movement PO Box 194 Fishers, Indiana 46038-0194 USA 317-579-9015 (phone) 317-579-0914 (fax) L.GERSTEIN@EWORLD.COM (e-mail)