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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Notizie Tibet
Maffezzoli Giulietta - 12 febbraio 1996
Published by World Tibet Network News - Sunday - Monday - February 12, 1996

Case CHN/TIB 070296

The International Secretariat of OMCT/SOS-Torture requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation inTibet.

Brief description of the situation:

Antenna International, a member of our network, has expressed its grave concern over the apparently arbitrary arrest and detention of Ngawang Choephel (aged 30) by the Chinese authorities.

According to information received today, Ngawang Choephel, a Tibetan music teacher from Mundgod Tibetan Settlement (Camp No. 2), South India, was arrested in Shigatse last summer and has been detained since then, supposedly becausehe was taking pictures. His whereabouts are not known.

Action requested:Please write to the Chinese authorities urging them to:

i immediately establish the whereabouts of Ngawang Choephel and guarantee his physical and psychological integrity;

ii order his immediate release if he is detained without any valid charges or, if such charges exist, bring him before a competent and impartial civilian tribunal and guarantee his procedural rights at all times;

iii guarantee a full, impartial and exhaustive enquiry into the facts, identify those responsible, bring them to trial and apply the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions provided by legislation;

iv ensure in all circumstances respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with national laws and international standards.

Addresses:LI Peng Zongli,


9 Xihuangchenggenbeijie,

Beijingshi 100032,

People's Republic of China.

Telex :210070 FMPRC CN or 22478 MFERT CN.

Fax : + 86 10 512 5810 (via Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

YAO Yunhui Juzhang, Laodong Gaizao Gongzuo Guanliju,

14Dongchang'anlu,Dongchengqu, Beijingshi 100741, People's Republic of China.

YANG Zhengwu Shengzhang, Hunansheng Renmin Zhengfu, 7Wuyizhonglu, Changshashi 410011, Hunansheng, People'sRepublic of China.

Telex : 98182 CSPG CN (Please forward to Yang ZhengwuShengzhang).

Fax : + 86 73147850

ZHANG Shuhai Jianchazhang, Hunansheng Renmin Jianchayuan,Changshashi,

Hunansheng, People's Republic of China.

Telex : 98182 CSPG CN -

Fax : + 86731 47850

Geneva, 7 February 1996

Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the codenumber of this appeal in your reply.

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