Published by: World Tibet Network News, Thursday, Apr 18, 1996
UN Information Service
18 April 1996
Press Release
[This article has been excerpted]
GENEVA, 17 April (UN Information Service) -- Governments should be held accountable when human rights violations took place, and no screen of national sovereignty could prevent the international community from identifying abuses, the representative of the European Union told the Commission on Human Rights this morning.
The representative of Italy, speaking on behalf of the European Union, went on to list countries and territories around the world where reported violations of human rights had caused concern among members of the Union. He drew particular attention to the situations in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Turkey, the Palestinian territories, Iraq, Rwanda, Nigeria, Sudan, Myanmar, East Timor and China.
The statement from the European Union came during the Commission's continuing discussion on the question of the violation of human rights anywhere in the world. That item in the panel's agenda provoked the most contentious debate and active lobbying, according to the representative of Malaysia, who said the Commission has allowed "selectivity" based on political considerations dominate its decisions regarding the countries examined.
Statements in Debate
P. TORELLA DI ROMAGNANO (Italy), speaking on behalf of the European Union, said governments should be held accountable when violations took place. No screen of domestic jurisdiction or national sovereignty could prevent the international community from identifying human rights violations and demanding that governments remedy acts that offended the conscience and values of humankind.
Turning to the situation in China, the representative said the European Union acknowledged the positive impact the current economic reform policy had in transforming Chinese society. Such an achievement could lead to the substantial enlargement of individual freedom in the economic and social fields. However, the persistence of violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms continued to be a source of grave concern. The freedom of expression, association and assembly continued to be restricted, and there was inadequate protection of the rights of minorities, particularly in Tibet. The Union was particularly concerned at the lack of transparency and independence of the judiciary.