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Notizie Tibet
Sisani Marina - 30 aprile 1996

Published by: World Tibet Network News, Tuesday, Apr 30, 1996

From: milarepa@igc.apc.org (Milarepa Fund)

Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 21:20:35 -0400


A boycott for human rights in China and Tibet

Hello All,

Just a quick update on the Milarepa Fund and Students for a Free Tibet's activities. Below are two briefs on the upcoming June Boycott. If you can actively help us as the main contact for your area this summer please e-mail or phone me at Milarepa@igc.apc.org or 415-474-0866. We have a plethora of boycott posters and stickers that need to be plastered everywhere. If you will be personally responsible for ensuring that the posters and stickers are placed everywhere(not left in a pile to collect dust) please contact me immediately. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! please e-mail or call NOW!!!

(to those who have already endorse, endorsement packets will be sent soon)


John Dinusson


What do the following things have in common?

Sneakers. Prison labor. Cassette recorders. Telephones. Human rights abuses. Clothing. The cultural destruction of Tibet. Children's toys.

They are all produced in China.


China, the country of origin of almost every product we buy, has one of the most repressive and inhumane governments in the world. Universally recognized rights to freedom of religion, speech, and press are constantly violated. China's leaders use torture and imprisonment to oppress their own citizens, as well as the people of Tibet. We must send a strong message to China that we will no longer tolerate their disregard for the basic human rights of the people of China and Tibet.

Since the Chinese Army invaded the peaceful Buddhist country of Tibet in 1949, over one million Tibetans have died as a direct result of the brutal occupation. Six thousand monasteries have been destroyed, and many hundreds of Tibetans remain in Chinese prisons simply for exercising their cultural and political beliefs. For the last 47 years, the Tibetan people have maintained a peaceful, nonviolent resistance to the Chinese government's policy of cultural genocide; but time is running out for the Tibetans and the power to stop this is in our hands.

We live in a consumer culture. Big business has risen to become the unelected leader of the world. Concerned with bottom-line profits, corporations use their economic power to influence politics and to shape a national policy that is good for business, but not for the rest of us. Reluctant to threaten political relations with China, and anxious to keep trade ties strong, the world community has allowed China to continue its horrendous human rights abuses.

It is time that we exercise our power as consumers and voters to help the people of Tibet and to influence human rights in China. Every time we go shopping we can effect world politics by voting with our dollars. Household items stamped "Made in China" are often manufactured in forced labor camps or prisons. That's why we are asking you to join us in boycotting all products made in China for the month of June. The sooner that each of us begins to recognize the interdependence of economics, politics, and our everyday actions, the sooner we can ensure basic human and environmental rights throughout the world.

In addition to raising awareness about the situation in Tibet and China, the June boycott will also encourage consumers to take a closer look at where and under what conditions their household products are made. The real goal, however, is to directly pressure big corporations to insist that China improve its human rights record.


April 30, 1996

Dear Friends,

In the forty-seven years since the Chinese invaded Tibet, over one million Tibetans have been killed, and thousands more imprisoned. Under the leadership of their exiled spiritual and political leader, the Tibetan people continue to employ non-violent means in their struggle for freedom. However, time is running out.

With the massive transfer of Chinese citizens into Tibet, Tibetans are becoming a minority in their own country, their cultural identity severely threatened. Hundreds of Tibetans are imprisoned for voicing their political and religious beliefs. The Chinese Government not only controls the political and military power in Tibet, but the economic and cultural life of the people as well. If the demographic assault on Tibet is not reversed and control over their daily affairs returned to the Tibetan people, the distinct Tibetan national and cultural identity will be lost.

In addition to its policy of cultural genocide, the Chinese government has caused massive destruction of Tibet's fragile environment through extensive deforestation and open dumping of nuclear waste. Tibet, a massive high altitude plateau that lies mostly above 14,000 feet, is the source of five of Asia's greatest rivers, the lifeblood of over 2 billion people. Recent reports show that toxic dumping has left the source of the Yellow River contaminated with nuclear waste. Tibet's most sacred lake, the Yamdrok Tso, is currently being drained for a Chinese hydroelectric plant. Also, the Chinese government has begun construction on the Three Gorges Dam project, which promises to be one of the greatest environmental disasters in recent history.

The situation within China itself is hardly better. Some estimate as many as twenty million Chinese work in government run forced labor camps. Poor working conditions, mandatory overtime, child labor, and mental and physical punishment are common. Chinese workers are not allowed to form unions except through the government and business run ACFTU, which does nothing to improve labor standards and hinders any attempt at worker's solidarity.

China's human rights record is not improving. Instead, reports by human rights groups such as Amnesty International, Asia Watch and the Laogai Research Foundation have found that the use of torture, forced labor camps, imprisonment of political dissidents, forced abortions and capital punishment is on the rise.

American corporations doing business in China are financially supporting the Chinese government's oppressive rule. As consumers, we unknowingly support the Chinese government and its policy of cultural genocide by continuing to purchase items made in China. It is time to take economic action against this brutal regime.

As an answer to the Dalai Lama's plea for international help, and in keeping with his non-violent teachings, the June 1996 Boycott of Chinese Goods is being spearheaded by the Milarepa Fund and backed by Tibet support groups internationally.

Students for a Free Tibet is working closely with the Milarepa Fund to ensure the success of this campaign. We are working to get as many organizations and businesses as possible to endorse this boycott. It is the beginning of a long-term economic strategy that we feel is a peaceful alternative to defensive pressure and the propagation of international violence.

June is an essential month to raise our voices and wallets against Chinese human rights violations. Most Favored Nation trading status will be up for renewal, China's entry into the World Trade Organization will be debated, and June 4th will mark the 7th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. With recent tension between China and Taiwan, and the increase of nuclear weapons trade, there can be no better time to appeal to peaceful means of protest.

We are asking you to read the enclosed release and to consider endorsing the June 1996 Boycott of Chinese Goods. Endorsement will allow us to put your organization's name in the left margin of this release, and will show your commitment to abstaining from purchasing any Chinese-made goods during the month of June.

Please return the form below by e-mail, fax, phone or mail as soon as possible. We hope that you will join us in this act of non-violent resistance. The future of Tibet depends upon it; the global community is at stake.


Jon Voss

(SFT Economic Action Committee)


____ Yes! Sign us on as an endorser for the June 1996 Boycott of Chinese Goods.

_____ No! We are unable to endorse this campaign, but support your


_____ We have included a donation of $________ to support this campaign.

(Checks made payable to Milarepa Fund.)

Representative _____________________________________________________

Organization _______________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________

City __________________________ State ________ ZIP _________________

Phone _____________ Fax __________________E-mail ____________________

Return to: John Voss, 2338 E. 99th St., Chicago, IL 60617

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