Published by World Tibet Network News - Saturday, May 11, 1996Hearing on "Victims of Torture" by the subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights of the House Committee on International Relations.
May 8, 1996 at 2.30 p.m.
Members present: Chairman Christopher H. Smith, Ranking member Tom Lantos, and Congressman Eni f. H. Faleomavaega (D-AS).
Dr. Tenzin Choedrak, senior personal physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, was one of the witnesses invited to testify.
Excerpts from the opening statement by Chairman Chris Smith.
"Today the subcommittee will hear testimony on the continued and widespread persistence of torture in the world today -- and on what steps the Unite States and other free and civilized nations can do about it.
"Three of our witnesses are themselves victims of torture: a native of Uganda who suffered at the hands of the Id Amin regime, a Tibetan physician who was tortured by the Chinese Communists, and an American who became a torture victim in Saudi Arabia after he had a falling-out with his employer, the Saudi government.
"As we begin this hearing, I should say that I am proud to be the principal along with the Subcommittee's ranking member, Congressman Tom Lantos, and 48 other co-sponsors, of H.R. 1416, the Torture victims Relief Act of 1995.
The Act contains a number of important provisions designed to assist torture victims.
"First, implementation of the provision of the Convention Against Torture that prohibits the involuntary return of any person to a country in which there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she would be in danger of being subjected to torture. Because the United States has ratified the Convention, this provision is already binding on the United States as a matter of international law -- but it has not yet been incorporated into our domestic law.
"Second, expedited processing for asylum applicants who present credible claims of subjection to torture, a presumption that such applicants shall not be detained during the pendency of their asylum claims, and a provision for taking into account the effects of torture in the adjudication of such claims.
"Third, specialized training for consular, immigration, and asylum personnel in the identification of evidence of torture, techniques for interviewing torture victims, and related subjects.
"Fourth, a Center for Disease Control study with respect to torture victims currently in the United States and the recovery services available to such persons.
"Fifth, authorization of grants for rehabilitation services for victims of torture and related purposes.
"Sixth, authorization of a voluntary contribution from the United States to the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture in the amount of $ 1.5 million for FY 1996 and $ 3 million for FY 1997.
"Finally, the bill contains an expression of the sense of the Congress that the United States shall use its voice and vote in the United Nations to support the investigation and elimination of the practices prohibited by the Convention Against Torture.
I welcome our witnesses and look forward to hearing their testimony."
After the testimony, Dr. Tenzin Choedrak had to leaved directly for the airport on his return journey to India. As he was leaving the hearing room, Chairman Smith came down to meet him and personally thanked him for
Submitted by ICT, Washington, D.C.