Published by: World Tibet Network News, Thursday, May 23 1996
Source: Transnational Radical Party
Rome, May 22 , 1996
Today a new internationally backed radio station - VOT (VOICE OF TIBET) - goes on the air. 15 minutes daily broadcasts in the two main tibetan dialects will be on the short-wave bands to listeners in Tibet and other parts of Asia.
The programs are produced by a tibetan editorial staff in cooperation with independent human rights support groups in several coutries, including Norway, Italy, Britain, India and the USA.
After a short period of test-broadcasts, the VOT goes on the air officially today on short-wave frequences.
The introduction of the VOT coincided with the European Tour by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan Spiritual (and political) leader who was forced into exile in India in 1959.
Radio Radicale
Radical Party