Published by: World Tibet Network News, Friday, Jun 07, 1996
re: Human Rights in China and Tibet / Trade and Human Rights
Honourable senators, on May 14, 1996, Senator Austin gave a spirited speech in support of China and, in particular, encouraging the United States administration to renew China's most favoured nation status, which it has since done.
I, too, support trade with China, but for different reasons. First, I do not believe the world's major trading nations would unanimously isolate China, and therfore practicality forces Canada to also prostitute itself on the economic altar. Second, isolating China would likely result in an escalation of human rights abuses and the atrocities which are daily committed against its non-conforming citizens, as well as citizens of countries occupied by the Chinese armed forces, such as Tibet.
Now that China has been admitted to the world trading club, its emergence as a member of the international trading community must be accompanied by an acceptance of international standards of behaviour, including respect for fundamental human rights. China must be reminded of these obligations and responsibilities which form an integral part of the world trading community.
Honourable Senators, yesterday, here on Parliament Hill, a Tibetan monk, the Venerable Palden Gyatso, spoke candidly and graphically about his three decades of imprisonment by China's peoples liberation army. The atrocities inflicted on him and his fellow Tibetans are truly unspeakable. The three decades of torture to which he was subjected were punishment for his refusal to abandon his commitment to a free Tibet and his religious beliefs. He is a lucky one, as he is one of only two symbolic prisoners freed by China's dictators to appease the tremendous international pressure put on them, primarily through Amnesty International. Venerable Palden Gyatso assured those of us who were there - and this has been confirmed in reports by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch - that the situation in Tibet and China is no better. In fact, he believes that it is actually worse. The Chinese authorities continue to ignore world opinion and flaunt their disregard for even the most fundamental rights and feedom
s which we take for granted.
I acknowledge and accept that the world will trade with China, but I cannot accept Canada's weak and ineffective criticism of the Chinese administration's disregard for the principles of the United Nations declarations on human rights and its barbaric behaviour. Canada must raise its voice in protest and in support of the millions who are forbidden from speaking on their own behalf.
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