Published by: World Tibet Network News, Satureday, June 22, 1996
Source: 'Xizang Ribao', Lhasa, in Chinese 1 Jun 96 p1
The Chinese head of the Tibetan Communist Party has visited an important monastery south of Shigatse and praised its contributions to unification and to opposing the "Dalai splittist clique". The following is the text of the Chinese regional newspaper from Tibet `Xizang Ribao' report by staff reporter Yixi Jiacuo (4135 6007 0502 2238) [probable Tibetan: Yeshe Gyamtso] entitled: "When inspecting Sagya Monastery, Secretary Chen Kuiyuan encourages monks to cherish love for the country and Buddhism"
Accompanied by Sang Zhu, member of the regional party committee standing committee and secretary of the Xigaze [Shigatse] prefectural party committee, regional party committee Secretary Chen Kuiyuan inspected Sagya [Sakya] Monastery [monastery belonging to one of four main Buddhist sects; the head of the Sakya sect submitted to the Mongols in the 13th century and was made regent, from which time China dates Tibet's integration into China] on 30th May and gave an important speech at a forum in the monastery. Chen Kuiyuan and his entourage visited the monastery's main Buddhist hall and cultural relics. Subsequently, they held a forum with leaders of the monastery's democratic management committee and monk representatives. After listening to reports by Bandian Dunyu, director of the monastery's democratic management committee; and Luzhu Jiacuo, the monastery's well-reputed host, Chen Kuiyuan pointed out: Sagya Monastery is an advanced monastery cherishing love for the country and observing law in the autonomous
region. Historically, Sagya Monastery and Sagya Master Basiba [presumably Phagba, spiritual advisor to Kublai Khan] made major contributions to the motherland's unification. Now in the big family of the socialist motherland under the Communist Party's leadership, all nationalities are equal and there is freedom of religious belief. Sagya Monastery should play a greater role. Buddhism always advocates equality among all living creatures and also stands for doing good things. Buddhist monasteries should conscientiously foster professional monks so that they can study Buddhist scriptures with great concentration. The greater their attainments in Buddhist studies, the better. Buddhism and religious discipline should be used to educate and manage monastery personnel. In addition, Buddhism's lofty ideas and fine morality should be used to influence religious believers. In this way, monasteries will enjoy a higher and higher position and reputation in the minds of the government and people. In our country, there i
s freedom of religious belief; religious sites and normal religious activities are protected by law. The state shows much concern for religious sites, particularly for such religious sites as Sagya Monastery, which has made major contributions to the state. Patriotic personalities in religious circles who have done well in safeguarding the motherland's unification, in opposing the Dalai splittist clique, and in lawfully exercising management over monasteries are respected by the state and people and should be given more care. The party's religious policy can be summed up in two points: Whatever within the religious scope can be done, whatever forbidden by state law must not be done. Anything proceeding genuinely in line with the Buddhist canon and creed will not contradict state law. Judging from the Dalai's behaviour of ruining Tibet and Buddhism, we know that the Dalai clique is not only illegal but has also betrayed Buddhism. Chen Kuiyuan continued: In the future, we will, as always, care for and support
monasteries that cherish love for the country and abide by the law; monasteries that do not do well or carry out sabotage will be urged to strengthen their management so that they genuinely become "peaceful and quiet places" as described by Buddhism. Hopefully, Sagya Monastery will continue to develop its tradition of cherishing love for the country and Buddhism and of being united amid progress; it will preserve its fine reputation and do better in managing the monastery, protecting cultural relics, carrying forward the Buddhist doctrine, and opposing splittism, to set a good example for other monasteries. At the forum, Sang Zhu, member of the regional party committee standing committee and secretary of the Xigaze prefectural party committee, said that Sagya Monastery as well as monasteries and monks throughout Sagya County will conscientiously study and profoundly understand Secretary Chen's speech and will further strengthen monastery management, cultural relics protection and all other work. Laba Pingcuo
, vice-chairman of the regional government; and Xiangba Gadeng, chairman of the regional nationalities and religious affairs commission, also inspected Sagya Monastery and attended the forum.