Published by: World Tibet Network News, 96/06/04 23:00 GMT
Source: `Aftenposten', Oslo in Norwegian 29 May 96 p6
The Dalai Lama met Norwegian Foreign Minister Bjorn Tore Godal and his under secretary Jan Egeland on 28th May, the Norwegian newspaper `Aftenposten' reported the following day.
"During the meetings with Godal and Egeland the Dalai Lama expressed his wish that Norway should work to ensure that talks between China and Tibet's self-rule movement come about. The hope is that Norway could play a similar mediating role as it has done in several other international conflicts. One opportunity could arise in connection with the Chinese president's imminent visit to Norway."
The Norwegian foreign minister was quoted as saying: "It is clear that the situation in Tibet is extremely worrying. We raise the human rights situation with the Chinese regularly and shall continue to do so." Asked if considerations of Norwegian trade did not weigh more heavily, he replied: "We do not make a choice between human rights and trade. We must involve ourselves in both areas, both vis-a-vis China and vis-a-vis other countries in the world."
Asked whether he would not have advocated stronger condemnation and sanctions had China not been such a big country, he said: "Our principle regarding sanctions is that they must be adopted by the United Nations if they are to be effective. We support sanctions adopted by the United Nations, but UN sanctions against China are not current policy."