Published by: World Tibet Network News, Friday, Jun 07, 1996
Submitted by Kunzang Yuthok, TRC
Istanbul, June 7,1996: The Tibet NGO Delegation has today forwarded a message explaining that the petition to the Special Rapporteur on Housing Rights cannot be circulated at the Conference. Delegation members have learned that the mandate of the Special Rapporteur has concluded and will not be renewed. Apologies to any of our readers who have begun circulating the petition.
DOCUMENT: The work dealing with the Habitat Agenda is moving along. At the informal meeting discussing "Housing as a Human Right, a right not recognized by the United States, NGO representatives were initially prevented from even observing negotiations. However the next day, NGO representatives were permitted to attend as observers.
Yesterday, an informal group was formed to deal with the "Vulnerable Groups". The Tibet NGO Delegation has successfully lobbied the Women's Caucus and the Human Rights Caucus to include "people living under foreign occupation and armed or other conflict" in their text. As we reported earlier, we expect this to be a very difficult if not impossible task. At the World Conference on Women, this topic was not as controversial with governments. This time however, governments immediately responded with the concern that such language questions the "sovereignty" of a state. It is evident that since Beijing, the member states know of the efforts by Tibet NGOs behind the "women living under foreign occupation" language.
Johanne Abonader, CTC was able to sit in the informal group meeting this morning. The informal group has just come out with a draft language and we do not see the inclusion of our delegation's language. This text is going back to the full committee and we will see what is proposed from the floor.
Some additional paragraphs have included language of interest to the Tibet NGO Delegation such as "religious and cultural heritage", "social, demographic, environmental and cultural policies" and "preservation of cultural heritage.
Another issue of debate of interest to the Tibet NGO Delegation is the issue of "forced evictions". The informal group on the "Housing as a Human Right" is currently dealing with this issue.
On Wednesday, the Tibet Delegation attended the Canadian reception at the Hyatt Hotel which is just across the street from the NGO Forum.
Today is our second workshop, "Death of a Sacred Lake" organized by Tibet Support Group - UK.
On Saturday, the Tibet Delegation will pay homage at the grave site of Mr. Isa Alptekin, leader of the Eastern Turkistani people.