Published by: World Tibet Network News, Friday, Jun 08, 1996
Istanbul, June 8, 1996: As a sign of the effectiveness of the Tibet and Eastern Turkistan Delegations, the Chinese Delegation has now posted statements about our activities around the NGO Forum grounds.
The Chinese statement about Tibet was posted on June 5, the day of the first workshop by the Tibet Delegation which was organized by the Tibet Bureau of Geneva. Today, June 8th, there is a workshop by our Eastern Turkistani brothers and sisters about the nuclear issue in their country.
Below is the Chinese statement which was posted today.
Istanbul, June 8, 1996
I. As it is already pointed out in the previous Statement, we, the NGOs from China, attach great importance to the convening of Habitat II. We wish the Conference a gerat success and have made and will continue to make our own contributions to this end. At the same time, we also hope that other participating NGos will observe the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and other UN provisions and conduct their activities on issues truly related to human settlements. We are firmly against those, who in name of NGos, are making use of Habitat II and its NGO Forum to engage in politically motivated activities irrelevant to human settlements.
II. As in the case of Tibet, Xinjiang, another autonomous region of China, is also an inalienable part of China. There has never been anything called "Eastern Turkistan" in the world. This term is nothing but a fabrication by certain people with ulterior-motives and by separatist forces. The Chinese people has never used and will never accept this term. At present, some separatist forces push forward the term of so-called "Eastern Turkistan". Their aim is to separate Xinjiang from China. We deem this a serious violation of China's sovereignty and undermining China's territorial integrity. All the Chinese people including Xinjiang compatriots are strongly opposed to this. The plot is doomed to fail. We urge these people to stop activities of this kind at once.
Chinese Society for Sustainable Development
All China Women's Federation
China Housing Finance Committee