Published by World Tibet Network News - Sunday, Jun 15, 1996Contact Thubten Samphel
Tel: +49-228-72690
Room: 412
Tel: +49-22S-23100
His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurates the Second International Conference of Tibet Support Groups
BONN, 15 June --'Finding a mutually acceptable solution to the issue of Tibet is a Victory for both Tibet and China,' said His Holiness the Dalai Lama as he inaugurated the Second International Conference of Tibet Support Groups in the German capital today.
'It is an obvious victory for the Tibetan people. But for China it will also constitute a victory because it will enhance the prestige of China and also make the people of Hong Kong and Taiwan more comfortable with such an open-minded approach of China.'
250 representatives of various Tibet Support Groups gathered here from 59 countries to strategise on how best to regain the lost freedom of the Tibetan people. These include four different pro-democracy Chinese organizations.
'I would like to emphasise from the beginning that this gathering is not a conspiracy against China or the Chinese people,' said Kalon Tashi Wangdi, the minister of the Tibetan government-in-exile. 'We are drawn together here by our shared commitment and values for the promotion of justice, equality, human rights and truth. A clear indication that this is so is the presence of representatives of four pro-democracy Chinese organisations at this gathering and we Tibetans welcome the from the core of our hearts.'
The three-day conference is Organized by the Department of Information and International Relations of the Tibetan Government-in-exile in co-operation with the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation of Germany.
Earlier the Chinese government exerted enormous pressure on the Friedrich-Naurnann Foundation to cancel the conference. But 'We did not succumb to pressure,' said Dr Otto Count Lamsdorff, a member of the German Parliament and Chairman of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
As a result, China has shut down the branch off ice of the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation in Beijing
Four members at parliamentary groups for Tibet from the European parliament, from the German Parliament, from the Japanese Parliament, and the Japanese Parliament expressed their support for the cause of the Tibetan people and the non-violent freedom struggle led by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
'37 years have elapsed since the flight of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to India, It is imperative that this movement to regain the dignity and freedom of the Tibetan people is intensified,' said a spokesperson of the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation. He said, 'Let it not be said by posterity that enough was not done for Tibet. Let us re-dedicate ourselves to the cause of Tibetan freedom.'
Released in Bonn - Germany by Department of information and International Relations
Central Tibetan Administration
Gangchen Kyishong
Dharamsala 176 215