Participating Organizations in 2nd International Conference of
Tibet Support Groups 14th - 17 th June 1996, Bonn
1. Aide ŕ l'Enfance Tibétaine France
2. Associazione Italia-Tibet Italy
3. Australian Tibet Council Australia
4. Brighton Tibet Link United Kingdom
5. Bulgarian Tibet Support GroupBulgaria
6. Campaign for Tibet-Helsinki Finland
7. Canada Tibet CommitteeCanada
8. Casa Del Tibet Italy
9. Casa del Tibet Spain
10. Casa Tibet Mexico Mexico
11. Chilean Tibet. Cultural Association Chile
12. Colorado Friends of Tibet USA
13. Comité de Soutien People Tibet Switzerland
14. CSPT National France
15. CSPTC, Plan de Cuques France
16. Tibetische Kultur Coccollcohaft Germany
17. DANA Germany
18. Danish Tibetan Cultural Society Denmark
19. Den norkse Tibet-Komite Norway
20. Dewachen Tibetan Cultural Centre South Africa
21. Eco Tibet Germany
22. Eco-Tibet-Paris France
23. Free Tibet/TID Germany
24. Friends of Tibet Estonia
25. Friends of Tibet New Zealand
26. Friends of Tibet Thailand
27. Friends of Tibet Society, Kyzyl Tuva
28. Friends of Tibet Society, Ulan Ude Buriat
29. Friends of Tibet, Elista Kalmakia, Russia
30. Friends of Tibet, St. Petersburg Russia
31. Friends of Tibet-Israel Israel
32. Friends of Tibetan Culture Argentina
33. German Aid to Tibetans Germany
34. Himalayan Action Committee Tibet India
35. HOST Czech Republic
36. Indo-Tibetan Friendship Group India
37. Indo-Tibetan Friendship Group India
38. Initiative Pro Tibet, Hamburg Germany
39. Int'l Committee of Lawyers f. Tibet USA
40. Japan Community for Tibet Japan
41. Korea Tibet. Buddh.Friendship Association Korea
42. Les Amis d u Tibet Luxembourg
43. Les Amis du Tibet, Belgium Belgium
44. Mexico Tibet Association Mexico
45. Norwegian Tibet Committee Norway
46. Norwegian Tibetan Association Norway
47. Radical Party, Brussels
48. Rector, Buddhist College Hungary
49. Rencontres Tibetaine Verfeil France
50. Save Tibet Austria
51. Tibet Support-Egypt
52. SOS Tibet Czech republic
53. Swedish Tibet Committee Sweden
54. Swedish Tibetan Community Sweden
55. Swiss-Tibet Friendship Association Switzerland
56. Syamatara Osterreich, Tibethilfe, Österreich
58. Tib. Costa Rican Cultural Associat Costa Rica
59. Tib. Parliamentarian Policy Research Center India
60. Tibet Association Hungary
61. Tibet Bureau Switzerland
62. Tibet Forum Germany
63. Tibet Foundation United Kingdom
64. Tibet Friendship Association Poland
65. Tibet Friendship Group Australia
66. Tibet House - Paris France
67. Tibet Information Network United Kingdom
68. Tibet Information Service Germany
69. Tibet initiative Basel Switzerland
70. Tibet Initiative Deutschland
71. Tibet Initiative Munich
72. Tibet Society of South Africa
73. Tibet Support Group El Salvador
74. Tibet Support Group Lithuania
75. Tibet Support Group Netherland
76. Tibet Support Group Ireland
77. Tibet Support Group Lichtenstein
78. Tibet Support Group-Denmark
79. Tibet Support Group-Finland
80. Tibet Support Group-UK
81. Tibet Support Group Iceland
82. Tibetan Association in Sweden
83. Tibetan Association of NY/NJ
84. Tibetan Community in Belgium
85. Tibetan Community in France
86. Tibetan Community in Italy
87. Tibetan Snowlion Friendship Association Japan
88. Tibetan Women's India
89. Tibetan Youth Association Switzerland
90. Tibetfreunde Switzerland
91. Tibetisches Zentrum, Hamburg
92. US Tibet Committee USA