Published by: World Tibet Network News, Monday, July 1 1996
From: Ayshen Delemen (TSG Germany)
Following is the full text of the Tibet Resolution of the German Bundestag which was passed on June 19, 1996. Translator: A. Doenges, TSG Munich:
German Bundestag - 13th Election Period
by the members of parliament .... (22 names from the fractions of CDU/CSU, SPD, Greens, and the FDP )
to improve the human rights situation in Tibet.
Since the October 15, 1987 resolution of the German Bundestag which was adopted by all parliamentary groups the human rigths situation in Tibet has not improved but rather deteriorated. This is especially the finding of the hearing of the Foreign Affairs Committee of June 19, 1995 regarding Tibet.
Starting with the inhuman military actions since the invasion of China in 1950, the violent suppression of Tibet and her aspirations for political, ethnic, cultural and religious self-determination has lasted to this day. The continued policy of repression by China in Tibet has led to severe human rigths violations and destruction of the environment, as well as large-scale economic, social, legal and political discrimination against the Tibetan people and in the final analysis the sinisizing of Tibet. The deprivation of educational opportunities for Tibetans is one point of this fact.
One example for the encroachment on the religious life of Tibetans is the kidnapping of the boy who was nominated by the Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama as well as the investiture of a second Panchen Lama by the Chinese authorities.
For years now the Dalai Lama has been attempting to bring about peaceful discussions with the Chinese government.
The German Bundestag,
1. considering that during its entire history Tibet has preserved its own ethnic, cultural and religious identity,
2. deeply concerned about the fact that this authentic identity is threatened to be destroyed since China's brute force of arms in 1950,
3. considering that during the hearing of the German Bundestag on June 19, 1995 the status of Tibet under international law remained a controversial issue among experts,
4. taking into consideration that it is the policy of the Federal Republic of Germany to globally support the realization of the right to self-determination, and in view of the historical-legal situation of Tibet, her claim to autonomy is obvious,
5. also taking into consideration that it must be policy of the Federal Republic of Germany not to tolerate illegal use of violence and major violations of human rights, whereas violation of human rights in Tibet continues unabatedly,
6. deeply worried about reports according to which a six year old Tibetan boy, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima as well as his parents were abducted by the Chinese authorities immediately afterwards the Dalai Lama had recognized him to be the latest reincarnation of the second religious leader of Tibet, the Panchen Lama, who had passed away in 1989,
is condemning the policies of the Chinese authorities, which particularly in regard to Tibet result in the destruction of identity as a people, especially brought about by transfer and resettlement of Chinese in large numbers, forced sterilization of women and forced abortion, political, religious and cultural persecution, as well as the subjection of the country to a Chinese-controlled administration;
is therefore calling on the Federal Government to use increased means and ensure that:
- the government of the People's Republic of China respects the globally recognized human rights and stops violation of human rights against Tibetans,
- the Chinese authorities immediately release Gedhun Choekyi Nyima and his family and allow them to return to their village,
- the Chinese goverment recalls all policies which aim at the destruction of the Tibetan culture, as for example the organized settlement of Chinese in large numbers, in order to restrain the Tibetan population, and the persecution of representatives of Tibetan culture,
- the government of the People's Republic of China reacts positively to the efforts of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in Exile to initiate a constructive dialogue and negotiates about more rights for the Tibetan people,
- the economic, social, legal and political discriminations against the Tibetan people will be abolished,
- all political prisoners in Tibet will be released,
- the voluntary return of Tibetans living abroad becomes possible,
- also in future the human rights situation in Tibet will be an issue of special attention and critical discussion at the meetings of the UN human rights commission,
- the development coordination and resources used in Tibet will benefit Tibetans and that the Tibetan population has access to adequate education opportunities and facilities,
- an end will be put to the environmental destruction in Tibet,
- that more attention will be paid to the desire of the Tibetan people to preserve their culture and religion, and that spheres of activity will be ascertained where the German people and the Federal Government could give assistance,
- in consultation with the refugee commissioner of the UN any possible means of aid will be worked out that is feasible to preserve in particular the cultural identity of Tibetan refugees,
- an effective contribution will be made towards the professional training of Tibetan juniour specialists especially by granting an adequate number of scholarships at German educational and professional institutions,
- the above mentioned principles and measures will also find recognition and implementation within the European Community.
Bonn, April 23rd 1996
( Signatures )