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Notizie Tibet
Sisani Marina - 20 giugno 1996

Published by: World Tibet Network News, Tuesday, June 20, 1996

From: Ayshen Delemen, Munich (Tibet Initiative Deutschland)

For those interested, here is a brief insight into the German press coverage around the 2nd International Converence of TSGs in Bonn:

The reaction of the German media to the conference and the attendant circumstances has been tremendous. Beginning weeks before the conference reportings continue until today (the results of the conference) covering all sections of the newspapers from first page news to opinion corners and to letters to the editor.

The Chinese government had made efforts to put paid to the TSG conference. The attempt to force the government of the Federal Republic in an overt manner to cancel the event has brought outraging response in the days before the conference. Both, political journals as well as the popular press comprehensively commented Foreign Minister Kinkels decision of withdrawing the funds for the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation (FNF) under the governing coalition's pressure because of considerable endangering of the foreign policy interests of the Republic".

The Foreign Ministery's office unmistakenly communicated that they refuse any association with this event..... Since the Tibetan Exile Governement has been recognized by no country of this world, a support with German government monies could be interpreted as implicit recognition".

Der Spiegel: In the delicate balancing act between human rights and economic interests the Foreign Minister swings back and forth" ...... With hundreds of tax-millions Prime Minister Kohl is supporting the penetration of German companies beginning with Siemens up to VW into the Chinese market: Wandel durch Handel (change through trade). Up to now Kohl owes us the proof for that."

The Foreign Minister was not only attacked with opposition in his own party, but the accusation of the leader of the Greens that Mr. Kinkel this time had not only went down on his knees before the PRC but had fallen flat on his face" was the headline for many articles giving a very advantageous publicity for the conference. TV programs dealed with the topic regularely.For days the reports would leave no doubt about the opinion of free journalism in Germany: pro TSG Conference and contra the behaviour of the government which with its hypocrisy is in good company" with other industrial nations".

The circumstances around the conference was not the only occasion which was reflecting the growing concern of the German people that meanwhile China has started to interfere in German Republic's internal affairs. After the PRC threatened the Germans to close the Goethe Institute in Beijing, a lavish China week long planned to take place in Munich had been cancelled by the PRC at the last minute: the mayor of the town had not agreed to call off a discussion program scheduled parallel to the event by NGOs concerning human rights in China.

Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAZ): It is not for the first time that the question is raised whether it is correct to be far too friendly with the PRC. Germany is not the only country where the question of sanctions are brought up again".

Since the organizer of the TSG Conference, the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation had rejected to cooperate with the Chinese demand of cancelling the conference the Chinese carried out their threat of closing the FNF branch office in Beijing. The reaction of the foundation was an open letter in the size of one third across the page of the main papers on June 7, 1996. Here is an excerpt:

( Big photograph of H.H. Dalai Lama ) Your Holiness, The cause of this open letter is an exceptional pleasure for us. Soon we will meet personally. >From June 14. to 17, 1996 the 2nd International Conference of Tibet Support Groups will be held in Bonn (.....)

The Government of the People's Republic of China has called on the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung to cancel the conference. We have refused to do this. We can understand that the Federal Republic of Germany for foreign-policy reasons cannot grant government aid. Therefore we would like to finance this conference privately and hope that the people of our country will help us in this.

This letter is therefore also an appeal to support this conference with your financial help. Here we are not talking about the realization of a conference only. It is rather a matter of realization of freedom, of human and people's rights. And of sponsorship for democracy and constitutional state. And this not only in Tibet.

We are expecting Your Holiness on June 14, 1996.


Chairman of the Board of Directors Executive Board Member

According the Frankfurter Rundschau the appeal for funds had by June 14, 1996 almost reached its goal of covering the conference expenses.

On Friday14.06.1996 the press coverage escalated. The Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported on four pages about the event that was to start on that day:

Governments summoned their ambassadors"

The Speaker of the Chinese Foreign Ministery, Shen Guofang, accused the FNF of openly supporting the Dalai-Clique in their activities to split China. The Federal Republic of Germany was urged to take concrete and effective measures" in hindering certain people in Germany to interfere in China's internal affairs."

In a declaration the Foreign Minister reinforced that the Federal Government regards Tibet as part of China but supports the demand of Tibetans of a cultural and religious autonomy and demands the respect of human rights of the Chinese government"

Title: In order not to hurt China in the Tibetan question, the Bundestag (Upper House) treats itself a shot of schizophrenia" ...Next week Tibet's cause will be on the agenda again: The German Upper House condemns the Politics of the Chinese Authorities" says a resolution which waits to be decided upon since April 1996. This paper - and politics can be schizofrenic to such an extent - was signed and brought into the parliament by all governing and oppositional parties."

Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAZ), 14.06.1996: The West as the playball of China" (first page title). The newspaper treteated the actualities around the conference and general topics about Tibet/China on three of his main pages.

In an article about Otto Count Lambsdorff, the chair of the FNF: The count has shown some guts in human rights. His strength is proof for the weakness of the others".

The sympathetic tenor of the media for the conference has continued after the conference began:

Abendzeitung, 17.06.1996: Charme and wit have marked the talk of the Dalai Lama, but it also containd a serious message. He said he would not demand the independence of Tibet from China. But I resist the approach to eliminate our culture. The cultural genocide has to stop"... He appealed to Beijing to admit to negotiations. In the same time he insisted on a non-violant solution - on both sides".

SZ, 17.06.1996: Not only has China put the Federal Republic under massive pressure because of this conference but also turned down a trip of the subcommittee for human rights of the Bundestag to China planned for July 1996".

SZ, 18.06.1996: Title: Beijing promotes the Dalai Lama" No one knows it any better how to win more people for the cause of the Tibetans than the Chinese officials with their furious attacks against the appearances of the Dalai Lama. In this respect the Tibet-conference in Bonn was a full success.... So, once again the press, radio and TV have drummed what is being forgotten so easily into the heads of the Germans: that Tibet is an occupied country."

After the embarrassing performance of the Federal Government the Parliament has now to point the way to future next Thursday by passing of the Tibet motion."

SZ, 19.06.1996: Title: Next Year in Lhasa?" The new parole Time is running out" is definitely more pressing, of course".

In addition to the above article about the results of the conference the paper printed an educational list with non-distorted facts about Tibet's history plus several informative letters to the editor about the real situation in Tibet.

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