B4-0736, 0768, 0788, 0805, 0812 and 0830/96
Resolution on Chinese nuclear testing
The European Parliament,
- having regard to its resolutions on nuclear weapons testing, non-proliferation and weapons control, in particular those on the resumption of French nuclear testing,
A. deeply regretting that the People's Republic of China recently carried out in the Lop Nor desert its third nuclear test after the conclusion of the NPT Conference in May 1995,
B. deeply concerned at the announcement of a further Chinese test by September 1996,
C. whereas negotiations are continuing in Geneva on the nuclear test ban treaty (CTBT),
D. whereas a comprehensive nuclear test ban is a major objective of the international community in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation,
E. noting reports that the People's Republic of China might be prepared to drop its insistence on allowing 'peaceful nuclear explosions',
1. Roundly condemns the continuation of nuclear testing by the Chinese Government and calls on it to abide by the moratorium adopted at international level;
2. Takes the view that continuation of nuclear testing is incompatible with the objective of the negotiations on the nuclear test ban treaty;
3. Invites the Council and the Commission to put pressure on the People's Republic of China to accept a zero-yield Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, including so-called 'peaceful nuclear explosions';
4. Reiterates its call for a comprehensive and definitive ban on nuclear testing;
5. Calls on all the parties, and in particular the Member States, to do their utmost to ensure that the negotiations on the nuclear test ban treaty result in an agreement which takes up the zero option, with an effective verification system, and urges that it be promptly ratified;
6. Is concerned at the consequences which nuclear testing may have on the health of the communities in the Lop Nor region;
7. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the governments and parliaments of the Member States, the Chinese Government, the United Nations Secretary-General and the chairman of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament.