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Notizie Tibet
Sisani Marina - 21 giugno 1996

Published by: World Tibet Network News, Sunday, June 23, 1996

Source: Xinhua news agency domestic service, Beijing, in Chinese 21 Jun 96

Bonn, 20th June: The Chinese embassy in Germany issued here today a statement expressing "strong discontent and indignation" over a so-called "Tibet resolution" discussed and adopted by the Bundestag [federal parliament] of Germany in disregard of solemn representations made by the Chinese government.

The statement pointed out: "This action of the German Bundestag is an open violation of the international norm and a gross interference in the internal affairs of China." The statement stressed: "The so-called Tibet resolution adopted by the German Bundestag in disregard of the overall interests of the relations between China and Germany has hurt the feelings of the Chinese people and is detrimental to the relations between the two countries. Such perverse acts will eventually bring harm to Germany's fundamental and long-term interests."

After more than an hour of debate, the German Bundestag adopted the so-called resolution concerning Tibet. The resolution, defying the basic principle of the international law, even urged the Chinese government to conduct negotiations with the so-called "Tibetan government-in-exile" . But a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Germany previously reiterated that as far as the German government was concerned the "Tibetan government-in-exile does not exist" .

Before the resolution was adopted, the German Bundestag held a debate session on the issue. German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel said at the parliament's debate that the Federal government believes Tibet is a part of China and therefore will not recognize the self-proclaimed " Tibetan government-in-exile" . He said: "What is involved here is not a formula but international law." He urged members of the parliament to remember that the Chinese government had always supported the unification of the German people.

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