Published by: World Tibet Network News, Friday, June 28, 1996
BONN June 25 (Reuter) - Here are excerpts from a resolution condemning China's human rights record in Tibet, which was passed by Germany's lower house of parliament last week provoking a diplomatic row:
Beginning with the inhumane military action since China marched in in 1950, the violent supression of Tibet and its striving for political, ethnic, cultural and religious self-determination has continued up until the present day. China's continued policy of repression in Tibet has led to serious human rights violations; environmental destruction; massive economic, social, legal and political discrimination against the Tibetan population and the Sinoisation of Tibet...
The German Bundestag,
1. In light of the fact that Tibet has preserved throughout history its own ethnic, cultural and religious identity,
2. Deeply concerned that this separate identity has been threatened since China's advance by brutal force of arms in 1950,
3. In consideration that the status of Tibet under international law remained disputed among experts during hearings before the German Bundestag on June 19, 1995,
4. In view of the fact that it is German government policy to support the realisation of the right to self-determination around the world and that the claim for autonomy grows out of Tibet's historical and legal situation...
I. condemns the policy of Chinese authorities that leads to the destruction of identity, especially in regard to Tibet, in particular via the settlement and immigration of great numbers of Chinese; forced sterilisations of women and abortions; political, religious and cultural persecution and the subordination of the land to a Chinese-controlled administration
II. Calls on the German government to step up its efforts so that - the government of the People's Republic of China respects internationally recognised human rights and ends human rights violations against Tibetans...
- the Chinese government stops the policy that can lead to the destruction of Tibetan culture...
- the government of the People's Republic of China reacts positively to the efforts of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government-in-exile towards a constructive dialogue and negotiates over more rights for the Tibetan people..