Published by: World Tibet Network News, Monday, July 8, 1996
"Tibet My Country", the latest documentary on Tibet that covers political issues of Tibet since 1949, is now available in videocassette both in English and Italian. The premiere of this film took place at the European Parliament in Brussels on March 27, 1996, organised by the Inter-Parliamentary group for Tibet with the presence of actor Richard Gere, in his capacity as Co-chairman of the International Campaign for Tibet. This documentary, produced by MEP Mrs. Adeliade Aglietta, was filmed and directed by Piero Verni, journalist and President of Italia-Tibet Association; it is written and narrated by Miss Karma Chukey.
"Tibet My Country" includes shots of Tibet before the occupation by Chinese, shows the systematic destructions of culture, art and architecture of Tibet, deforestation and transfer of Chinese people. It covers activities by exile Tibetans in India and contains interviews with H.H. the Dalai Lama, with Tibetan political prisoners who escaped from Tibet, as well as with officials of the Tibetan Government in exile.
Copies of this video are available, in English or Italian, from
Via Pinturicchio 25,
20133 Milano, Italy
tel+fax: +39-2-70638382