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Notizie Tibet
Sisani Marina - 8 luglio 1996

Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 08:52:41 -0700

From: Ngapo Jigme ICT

To: Multiple recipients of list TSG-L

List of 141 Congressmen who voted for revocation of MFN to China Submitted by Karen Davis, ICT

The following is the list of the 141 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives who voted in favor of revoking China's MFN Trading Status:

Republicans voting "yes":

Bill Baker (CA), Bob Barr (GA), Joe Barton (TX), Sherwood Boehlert (NY), Jim Bunning (KY), Dan Burton (IN), Helen Chenoweth (ID), Howard Coble (NC), Tom Coburn (OK), Mac Collins (GA), Christopher Cox (CA), Randy Cunningham (CA), Nathan Deal (GA), Lincoln Diaz-Balart (FL), John Doolittle (CA), Bob Dornan (CA), John Duncan (TN), Robert Ehrlich (MD), John Ensign (NV), Terry Everett (AL), Michael Forbes (NY), David Funderburk (NC), Paul Gillmor (OH), Ben Gilman (NY), Bill Goodling (PA), Enid Greene (UT), Jimmy Hayes (LA), Joel Hefley (CO), Fred Heineman (NC), Martin Hoke (OH), Steve Horn (CA), Duncan Hunter (CA), Tim Hutchinson (AR), Bob Inglis (SC), Walter Jones (NC), Peter King (NY), Jack Kingston (GA), Scott Klug (WI), Ron Lewis (KY), James Longley (ME), Scott McInnis (CO), Susan Molinari (NY), Richard Pombo (CA), John Porter (IL), Frank Riggs (CA), Harold Rogers (KY), Dana Rohrabacher (CA), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL), Edward Royce (CA), Joe Scarborough (FL), Andrea Seastrand (CA), James Sensenbrenner (WI), Chr

istopher Smith (NJ), Linda Smith (WA), Gerald Solomon (NY), Mark Souder (IN), Floyd Spence (SC), Cliff Stearns (FL), Charles Taylor (NC), Bob Walker (PA), Zach Wamp (TN), and Frank Wolf (VA).

Democrats voting "yes":

Neil Abercrombie (HI), David Bonior (MI), Robert Borski (PA), Sherrod Brown (OH), Ben Cardin (MD), Bill Clay (MO), Eva Clayton (NC), James Clyburn (SC), Barbara-Rose Collins (MI), Cardiss Collins (IL), Jerry Costello (IL), William Coyne (PA), Cummings (?), Peter DeFazio (OR), Rosa DeLauro (CT), Ronald Dellums (CA), Richard Durbin (IL), Eliot Engel (NY), Lane Evans (IL), Cleo Fields (LA), Barney Frank (MA), Sam Gejdenson (CT), Richard Gephardt (MO), Bart Gordon (TN), Luis Gutierrez (IL), Alcee Hastings (FL), Bill Hefner (NC), Maurice Hinchey (NY), Steny Hoyer (MD), Jesse Jackson Jr. (IL), Marcy Kaptur (OH), Joseph Kennedy (MA), Patrick Kennedy (RI), Ron Klink (PA), Tom Lantos (CA), John Lewis (GA), William Lipinski (IL), Edward Markey (MA), Cynthia McKinney (GA), Robert Menendez (NJ), George Miller (CA), Patsy Mink (HI), Alan Mollohan (WV), Jerrold Nadler (NY), James Oberstar (MN), David Obey (WI), John Olver (MA), Major Owens (NY), Frank Pallone (NY), Donald Payne (NJ), Nancy Pelosi (CA), Nick Joe Rahall (WV

), Lynn Rivers (MI), Charlie Rose (NC), Martin Sabo (MN), Pat Schroeder (CO), Norman Sisisky (VA), Louise Slaughter (NY), John Spratt (SC), Pete Stark (CA), Bart Stupak (MI), Gene Taylor (MS), Bennie Thompson (MS), Esteban Torres (CA), Robert Torricelli (NJ), James Traficant (OH), Nydia Velasquez (NY), Bruce Vento (MN), Peter Visclosky (IN), Maxine Waters (CA), Henry Waxman (CA), Albert Wynn (MD), and Sidney Yates (IL),

Independent voting "yes": Bernard Sanders (VT)

Not voting: Floyd Flake (D-NY), Tony Hall (D-OH), Blanche Lambert Lincoln (D-AR), Pete Peterson (D-FL), Newt Gingrich (R-GA), Joseph McDade (R-PA) and Steve Stockman (R-TX).

The 286 House Members not listed here voted against revoking MFN for China.

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