Published by World Tibet Network News - Monday, September 09, 1996Tibet Information Network / 7 Beck Rd London E8 4RE UK ph: (+44-181) 533 5458 / fax: (+44-181) 985 4751
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Appendix to TIN News Update 7th September 1996:
"Re-education Campaign Extended to all Tibet Region"
Sera Monastery Re-education Instructions: Translation -
TIN Doc. Ref.: 21(VG)
Date Written: 15 July 1996
Date Received: 3 September, 1996
No of Pages: 2 on one side of one sheet
Language, script: printed in u-chen
Original: Piece of white paper of unknown size, arranged in landscape format and folded vertically down the centre to offer two faces, numbered as pages 1 and 2 by TIN. Consists of a title printed in bold and then an introductory paragraph followed by six numbered paragraphs. Circular single-rimmed red stamp of issuing authority is over date and name of authority at foot of page 2.
Page numbers: none
Status: issued to each monk
Title in Tibetan: se ra dgon pa'i grwa dmangs kyis slob sbyung byed skabs shes dgos ba'i don gnad [Title in English: What the Masses of Sera Monastery Must Know for the Education Session.
Issued by: se ra dgon pa'i las don tshogs chung dang se ra dgon pa'i dmangs gtso bdag gnyer au lhan nas (Sera Monastery work squad [little group] and Sera Democractic Management Committee)
Subject: patriotic re-education campaign
Doc.type: official instructions
The Important Points to be Understood by All the Sera Monks During the Study Session [se ra dgon pa'i grwa dmangs yongs kyis slob sbyongs byed skabs shes dgos pa'i don gnad]
To all the monks of Sera Monastery:
The time has arrived for patriotic education to take place in Sera Monastery by means of Comprehensive Propaganda Education [gcig sdud kyis dril bsgrags slob gso]. The purpose of carrying out this education session is to implement the Party's policy on religion totally and correctly [cha tshangs yang dag gi sgo nas tang gi chos lugs srid 'jus lag len byed rgyu], to stress the management of religious affairs according to law, and to initiate efforts for the harmonious co-existence between the religious and socialist societies [chos lugs dang spyi tshogs ring lugs kyi spyi tshogs 'tshams mthun yongs ba]. It is also aimed at creating the thought of patriotism [rgyal gces ring lugs kyi bsam blo] and implanting in the masses of the monks the views of the government, the political view and the legal view [srid gzhung gi lta ba dang chab srid kyi lta ba dang khrims lugs lta 'zugs]. The campaign is also for the purpose of educating [monks] to oppose completely any activities aimed at splitting the motherland.
Therefore, in order to achieve high results from this study session, the following special instructions are recommended [dmigs gsal blang bya]:
1) The following materials, which have been distributed to every one, will be used for the propaganda education:
"A Brief Explanation and Proclamation on Tibetan History" [bod kyi lo rgyus sgrog sbyang 'grel bshad kyi gnad bsdus]
"A Brief Explanation and Proclamation on Opposing Splittism" [kha phral la ngo rgol bya rgyu'i sgrog sbyang 'grel bshad kyi gnad bsdus]
"A Brief Explanation and Proclamation on Legal Knowledge" [khrims lugs shes bya'i sgrog sbyang 'grel bshad kyi gnad bsdus]
"A Brief Explanation and Proclamation on Religious Policy" [chos lugs srid 'jus kyi sgrog sbyang 'grel bshad kyi gnad bsdus].
These books will also be the main text books for the coming long period of study, so every one who can read must study them well. Every one must keep the above books very carefully and must not tear them or write over them or delete anything.
2) Every one must attend punctually and listen to reports, lectures and tutorials [snyan sgron nyan pa dang 'shad 'khrid nyan pa dang zur 'khrid nyan pa]. While the class is in session everyone must be disciplined, listen very carefully and take notes about the subject. No-one must leave early or make any noise. No-one must engage in any actions which are not conneted to the subject and no-one must cause any disruption in the classroom.
3) The method of study is: giving speeches in the meetings, teaching in smaller groups, and holding discussions in the college hostels [khams [sic] tshan]. Besides doing study on one's own, there will be the additional activities of attending tutorials and listening to reports. There will also be the practices of speaking individually from one's heart [snying gtam shod pa] in discussions in the hostels and in the classes that have divided into small groups.
4) The monks must participate in discussions seriously and must actively speak out and contribute. Questions are welcome. Monks are also welcome to go and find the members of Masses of Monks' Work Affairs Committee [grwa dmangs kyi las don tsogs chung] in order to speak from your heart and participate in tutorials.
5) During the Comprehensive Propaganda Education [Drive] the individual monks must organise their own timetable and spend one hour continuously every day on doing home work.
6) The Comprehensive Propaganda Education [Drive] is an important method in the next stage in fixing the numbers of the masses of monks in the monastery [dgon sde'i grwa grangs gtan 'khel bzo rgyu]. Therefore, during the study period, time must be allocated and groups organised to do the work of fixing the numbers of the masses of the monk. The good students should not only be praised but also be given consideration in advance for their names to remain among the number of monks [who will be allowed to stay]. Those with a bad attitude to the studying and those with poor results or deliberately causing obstacles to the study will be severely criticised and their right to remain among the number of monks will be struck out [dgon sde'i grwa grangs khongs kyi 'os bab med pa bzo rgyu yin].
Issued by:
the Sera Monastery Work Affairs Committee
the Sera Monastery Democratic Management Committee.
15th July 1996