Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 09:16:41 MDT
To: Multiple recipients of list TSG-L
Newsletter on the campaigns of the Radical Party for the freedom of Tibet and the democracy on China.
"I truly believe that individuals can make a difference in society. Since periods of great change such as the present one come so rarely in human history, it is up to each of us to make the best use of our time to help create a happier world".
His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, 1992
Issue ##30, July 29th, 1996
Editors office: Massimo Lensi, Dorottya u. 3.III.em6 - 1051 Budapest (H)Tel. +36-1-266.34.86 - 266.09.35 Fax. +36-1-11.87.937 E-mail: WWW-URL - Telnet:
Distribution; Alberto Novi, rue Belliard 89, Rem 508, 1047 Brussels (B)Tel: +32-2-2304121 - Fax: +32-2-2303670
Published in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Hungarian, Croatian and Rumanian
With resolution 2578, the United Nations decided on October 25th 1971, to "reintegrate the People's Republic of China in all its rights, recognizing the representatives of its government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the UN and to expel immediately the representatives of Chang Kai-Chek from the chair they illegally occupied in the UN and in the related organisms". The question of "two Chinas" was diplomatically resolved, but in a way that left intact the political problem and that, based on the principles of the UN Charters, raised many doubts concerning the juridical legitimacy of the named resolution. This way, the "island that doesn't exist" was created in 1971, a State wiped away from the political and diplomatic geography, but not from the commercial geography. A State claimed by communist China. A State reigned by a policy in which the position of absolute superiority of the Kuomintang (the national party) is justified by the "state of military permanent mobilization" and by the co
ntinuous provocations of Peking.
A lot of water, we could say, ran through the Formose narrows: in Taipei the martial law was abolished in 1987 and the state of military mobilization in 1991. A reform process has been launched. It was yet concreted by the introduction of multi-parties and by the organization of free elections. This is a process of democratic consolidation that has to be encouraged by the Governments and by the International Organizations in order to avoid the repetition of recent military aggressions by the People's Republic of China and to guarantee the political stability in the region of the Western Pacific. In this spirit, the European Parliament approved, by the initiatives of the deputies LAURILLA and REDING from EPP group, an important resolution "on the role of Taiwan in the international organizations". The Resolution which we publish entirely in this "Tibet-China Fax" issue was supported by numerous political groups, with the exception of the Socialist and Communist groups.
>From his point of view, the Dalai Lama accentuated, during his intervention in the British Parliament, last July 16th, that "China needs human rights, democracy and the rules of law" and confirmed his approach to the Tibetan question by means of the strategy of the "middle-of-the-road" and the request to open Chinese-Tibetan negotiations. Concerning the President of Taiwan, Lee Teng-hui, he demonstrates more and more his aspiration for dialogue, for the reconciliation with the People's Republic of China. Two important openings of democratic credit to China of which we doubt now that they can be received by Li Peng's Government whose attitude in the interior is always characterized by falling back on itself, while for the exterior it is the economic blackmail that prevails.
We radicals, are working, with some of you already, by means of instruments you know by now: the appeal to the UN Secretary, the proposal for the candidature of the Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng for the Nobel Peace Price 1997, the mobilization on October 2nd in favor of the immediate release of the Panchen Lama and of Wei, the campaigns for March 10th 1997 that we don't consider as definitive the "final solutions" put in operation by the policy of Peking in Tibet, the campaigns for the democracy in China, on the role of Taiwan or, in a more general way, to furnish democratic and nonviolent opportunities of pacific solution of these worldwide vital questions.
A hard and difficult course, but accompanied with positive increasing reactions in numerous parliaments, in spite of the ostracism of certain people. In Italy and in Austria, two other resolution proposals on the situation in Tibet have been presented. They will be discussed at the retaking of the parliamentary work, in September.
A fall of hard work is ahead of us!
Keep up the good work!
During its July session, the European Parliament adopted with a large majority an innovating resolution on the role of Taiwan in the international organizations. The resolutions elaborated by the PPE deputies LAURILLA and REDING, has also been presented by COLLINS (UPE), HAARDER, WATSON, NORDMAN, LARIVE and BERTENS (ELDR), DELL'ALBA and DUPUIS (ARE), AGLIETTA, AELVOET and RIPA DI MEANA (Green party). Voted in favor of the resolution: the groups PPE, Liberal, Radical, Green, UPE (Union For Europe), EDN (Europe Of Nations). Voted against: the Socialist and Communist parties.
* Resolution on the role of Taiwan in the international organizations (B4-0877, 0881, 0904 and 0926/96)
The European Parliament,
- in view of the article J.7 of the EU treaty,
A. satisfied with the situation at present of the democracy in Taiwan and with the respect this country demonstrates for the principles of justice, human rights and fundamental freedom,
B. congratulating itself for the democratic and pacific course of the elections in Taiwan in spite of the characterized aggression and provocation to which the People's Republic of China revealed itself,
C. taking into account the will-power of Taiwan to participate in the international help in favor of countries in the progress of development,
D. considering the importance of the evolution of the political situation in Taiwan for entire Oriental Asia at a geopolitical and economic level in terms of stability, security and peace in the region of the Western Pacific,
E. congratulating itself for the attitude of reconciliation shown by the president Lee Teng-hui towards the People's Republic of China and hoping that a dialogue will soon be established between the two parties,
F. convinced that the people of Taiwan should be better represented than they are at present in the international organizations, and this to the interest of Taiwan and the entire international community,
G. considering that neither the European Union, nor the Member States maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan and that they only recognize the People's Republic of China,
H. considering the considerable importance of Taiwan for the European Union and its Member States being a commercial partner,
I. considering that it is important to the European Union and to its Member States to develop their relations as well with the government of the People's Republic of China as with the one of Taiwan in a friendly and constructive spirit,
J. inviting vividly the governments of the People's Republic of China and of Taiwan to intensify their cooperation,
K. underlining that the participation of Taiwan in certain international organizations can contribute to the research of a field of understanding between China and Taiwan and to facilitate the reconciliation of the two parties,
L. deploring that Taiwan doesn't have the capability at present to fully contribute to the work of the United Nations' organization and its agencies and underlining that the participation of Taiwan would be desirable and precious for the efficiency of the United Nations;
1. instantly requests that:
a/ the Council and the Member States support Taiwan's efforts to improve its representation within the international organizations in the field of human rights and work, of economic affairs, of the environment and of the cooperation for development, inspired by the former created in international law by certain countries recognized as independent and sovereign, although the nature of their diplomatic relations and their State leader are not constituting the symbolic elements that are the apanage of a total sovereignty (British Dominions, Oriental Samoa, untill recently Ukrainia and Bielorussia);
b/ the Council and the Member States ask the United Nations to examine the possibility to create a work group charged with the study of the possibilities of Taiwan's participation in the activities of the responsible instances to the UN General Assembly;
c/ the Council and the Member States encourage the governments of the People's Republic of China and of Taiwan to intensify their cooperation in a constructive and pacific spirit;
d/ the Council invites the Commission to adopt the measures, aiming at the opening of a European Union information office in Taipei;
2. charges its President to transmit the present resolution to the Council and to the Commission.
A parliamentary motion on the question of Tibet has been presented on July 24th to the Italian Chamber of Deputies. The motion, promoted by the Radical Party, counts among its first signatures the deputies Giovanna MELANDRI (Partito Democratico della Sinistra), Mirko TREMAGLIA (Alleanza Nazionale), Enrico Paolo NAN (Forza Italia), Lino DE BENETTI (Verdi), Rosa RUSSO JERVOLINO (Partito Popolare Italiano), Luciano CAVERI (Mixte-Union Valdotaine), Flavio RODEGHIERO (Lega), belonging as well to the majority as to the opposition parties. Other deputies are joining the initiative. In the motion, parliamentarians ask "the People's Republic of China to immediately interrupt the Chinese population transfer to Tibet and to begin the decolonization process of Tibet, restoring the land, the properties and the houses expropriated during the more than 40 years of occupation" and invites the Italian government to "assume the necessary initiatives to obtain that the Tibetan government in exile receives the statute of observ
er to the United Nations". Last year, the Radical Party was yet promoter of a parliamentary motion to the Italian Chamber of Deputies (first signature from Lorenzo STRIK LIEVERS), which couldn't be taken into consideration because of the interruption of the legislation. The new motion should be discussed in September at the retaking of the parliamentary work.
(by July 25th)
- Appeal to the UN General Secretary to receive the Dalai Lama. The adhesions up to now are 963, coming from 39 different parliaments. Among the last adhesions, the one from deputy Benjamin A. GILMAN, president of the Commission of the American Congress for International Affairs. On March 10th '96 we collected 313 signatures: this means that during these 5 last months we succeeded to convince 650 parliamentarians about the urge of the UN Secretary to receive the Dalai Lama in order to give a first impulse to the opening of Chinese-Tibetan negotiations. It is still a low average of the 2000 adhesions we planned. An average that will even go down during the next weeks because of the parliamentary holidays. A break we can take advantage of to prepare the necessary continuation in September of this important political campaign.
- Wei Jingsheng Nobel Peace Price 1997.
We are, on July 25th, at 297 collected candidature proposals coming from 19 countries. 182 parliamentarians and 115 University professors of History, Philosophy, Law and Political Sciences. Among the last adhesions to the campaign for Wei Nobel Price, is the one of Marc RICHIR, Professor in Philosophy at the Free University of Brussels and associated member of the "Royal Academy of Belgium".
- Freedom for the Panchen Lama.
Up to now, 4.502 postcards have been sent to the Chinese President Zemin, asking the release of the youngest political prisoner in the world; they are coming from more than 50 countries in the world. Among the "new" countries added lately, Australia has to be mentioned. From July 15th to 25th, 421 postcards have been sent. In a certain amount of Italian, Belgian, French and Hungarian cities, information boots are taking place.
For more information or to receive the material concerning these three political campaigns promoted by the Radical Party, you can address the TRP office in Brussels: tel. 32-2-2304121, fax. 32-2-2303670.
The Tibet Support Committee in Copenhagen began a request for direct action to all TSG in view of the next IPU (International Parliamentarians Union) reunion in Peking on September 16th. The Danish friends ask to contact all IPU delegations in the different countries to support the Tibetan cause and to adhere to the Ad Hoc Committee on Tibet, created within the IPU in April this year on the initiative of the Danish deputy Henning GJELLEROD. For more information: Stella LUTZER, TSG Copenaghen, fax 45-31-23.14.26, e-mail:
The "Tibetet Segito Tarsasag" from Budapest made postcards with the Dalai Lama's picture. The English text of these postcards asks the UN General Secretary to urgently receive H.H. the Dalai Lama. For orders, contact Tibor JANKOVICH: tel. 36-1-266.34.86, fax 118.79.37.
- "I believe in Buddha and Marx", by Guido RAMPOLDI, La Repubblica, May 8th. Interview with the Dalai Lama. "With a little provocative humor, the Dalai Lama declares <>" (1383 Conf. Tibet)- "Appointment with Carla ROCCHI" by Paolo PIETROSANTI, Radio Radicale, July 1st. The transmissions "Freedom for Tibet and Democracy in China" from the political information radio station "Radio Radicale" continues. This week, it is Carla ROCCHI, Secretary of State at the Public Instruction to the Italian Government and Senator of the Green Party that was its host. Carla ROCCHI signed the appeal to the UN Secretary to receive the Dalai Lama and she supports the candidature of Wei for the Nobel Peace Price 1997. (10047 Conf. Parti Radical).
- "Union Treads Fine Line China Policy" by Elizabeth WISE, European Voice from July 19th. Analysis of commercial trade between Europe and Peking. The article concentrates in particular on the contradictions with Taiwan (1705 News Tibet).
- "Presented Motion on the Tibet question", ANSA (Italian press agency), July 24th. Agency telex on the Tibet motion presented to the Italian Chamber of Deputies on the Radical Party's initiative (10211 Conf. Part. Radical).
* The Dalai Lama's visit to London: pressreview (partly) on His Holiness' British week.
- "Tibet's Free Spirit. The State Visit. The Dalai Lama Arrive Today" by Madelein BUNTING, The Guardian, July 15th (1710 Tibet News).
- "The Power of Compassion: Portraits of Tibet" by Mick BROWN, The Telegraph, July 15th (1714 Tibet News).
- "The Battle of the Buddhist" by Andrew BROWN, The Independent, July 15th (1709 Tibet News).
- "Opposition to the Dalai Lama by the London Buddhists" by Luigi IPPOLITO, Corriere della Sera, July 16th (10152 Conf. Part. Radical).
- "The Strength of the Dalai Lama", the Guardian, July 16th (1698 Tibet News).
- "Dalai Lama Urges MPS to Oppose 'Cultural Genocide'. The Power of Compassion" by John HIBBS, The Daily Telegraph, July 17th (1708 Tibet News).
- "A Tribute to Mark Dalai Lama Visit" The Telegraph, July 18th (1713 Tibet News).
- "Dalai Lama's London Visit Will 'Damage' Relations", Hong Kong Standard China, July 19th (1719 Tibet News).
Between brackets are the archived codes of the mentioned texts in the "Pressreview" and inserted in the entire version in the multilingual telematic system Agora in the Radical Party Conference sections, Tibet News, Tibet Conference (telnet: Agora).
- SEATTLE (USA). From July 24th to August 4th. "Sera Je Monks". Creation of a sand Mandala and multi-media program on Tibet in Seattle organized by the "Tibetan Rights Campaign" with the participation of the Sera Je monks. For more information: TRC, tel 206-547.1015, fax 547.3758. E-mail:
- BUDAPEST (Hungary). From August 14th to 21st. "Sziget" festival 1996. The annual international music festival will take place on the Barques Island on the Danube. A permanent tent "Freedom for Tibet" will be installed by the TSG from Budapest and by the TRP. Still in August, an information boot on Tibet will take place at Place Vorosmarty in Budapest. For further information, contact the TRP office in Budapest: tel. 36-1-266.34.86.
- BUDAPEST (Hungary). From August 16th to 18th. Visit of H.H. the Dalai Lama to the Hungarian capital. A meeting with the population is scheduled. For further information: Chope Paljor TSERING, representative of H.H. in Budapest, tel. 36-1-1551808, fax: 1551152.
- BERLIN (Germany). From August 26th to 31st. Tibet week organized by the "Peace for Tibet" Committee at the Kulturzentrum in Berlin. Films, videos, performances, art, music, etc. for the freedom of Tibet. Contact: William MILLER c/o Peace For Tibet, Schoenwalder Strasse 12, 13347 Berlin (Germany), tel/fax. 49-30-4615556.