Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 16:33:13 -0400
From: Canada Tibet Committee Subject: Amnesty holds China Conference
To: Multiple recipients of list TSG-L Amnesty International will co-sponsor with the Manila-based organization Forum Asia, a Conference on Human Rights in China. The conference will be held in Manila on August 30 and September 1, 1996. Approximately 30 academics, activists and representatives of regional and international NGOs are expected to participate. Gendun Rinchen will be a guest speaker.
The conference, which takes place within Amnesty's current campaign on human rights in the Peoples Republic of China, will focus on four areas of discussion:
Universality of Rights
Human Rights in China
Human Rights in Tibet
Labour Rights
The conference is believed to be the first such event to take place in Asia and to concentrate on rights violations in China. It will serve as a lead-up event to the APEC Leaders' Summit scheduled for November 24 and 25 in Subic Bay, 100 km. north of Manila. The APEC Summit will focus on trade liberalization and neither human rights nor labour rights are on the agenda.
For more information, contact Rolando Medina, International Development Program, Amnesty International, 1 Easton Street, London WC1X 8DJ, UK.
4675 Coolbrook
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3X 2K7
tel: 1-514-487-0665
fax: 1-514-487-7825