Date: Fri, 9 Aug 1996 09:37:39 -0400
From: China-Net, Chinese Community Bulletin
Welcome to the US-China Business Council's
Conference Announcement
This Chinese Legal Conference will be held
on September 20, 1996, 9:00 am to 6:30 pm
in the Sheraton Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California
Session Highlights
* Contract Negotiations into the Year 2000
* Protection of IPR: Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights
* Changing Environmental Laws
* Corporate Responsibility & Individual Rights
* Law & Justice in Hong Kong after 1997
* Careers in China Law
Featured Speakers
* Mickey Kantor, Secretary of Commerce, US Department of Commerce (invited)
* Zhang Yuejiao, Director, Treaties and Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation, People's Republic of China (invited)
* Daniel R. Fung, Q.C. J.P. Solicitor General of Hong Kong
Sponsored by
* The China Business Forum in cooperation with
* The International Law Section of the State Bar of California
* The China Law Committee of the Bar Association of San Francisco
"China Today" is sponsored by the China Business Forum, the educational and research arm of the US-China Business Council, in cooperation with the International Law Section of the State Bar of California and the China Law Committee of the Bar Association of San Francisco. The China Business Forum was established in 1988 to promote greater understanding in both China and the United States of the economic and business systems of each country. The International Law Section provide information, educational forums and special events for the California legal community interested in international and China-related legal issues. The conference welcomes registrants from throughout the United States and abroad.
Corporate Sponsors
* A. O. Smith Corporation
* Baker& McKenzie
* Ford Motor Company
* Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP
Workshop Title Moderator Presenter Commentator
Anna Han
1. KEY TAXATION ISSUES Robert Wood Santa Clara Joyce Peck Univ. Price Waterhouse
Anthony Bob Goodwin
2. CORRUPT PRACTICE Peter Pang Ching China Indus. Landels, Ripley Graham & James Exchange
Benjamin Michael
3. DISPUTE RESOLUTION Fishburne Moser Medtronic
Winston & Baker & (invited)
Strawn McKenzie
Daniel Fung
4. LAW AND JUSTICE IN HONG KONG Prof. Pitman (invited)
U. Of British Ford Motor N/A
Faculty of Law Co.
Kevin Harris
Andrew Sun Joe Simone Sun Microsystems
6. PROTECTION OF IPR George Chadbourne & Mark Traphagen Washington Law Parke Software Publishers Assn.
7. CHANGING ENVIRONMENTAL LAW David Andrews Lester Ross Ranjit Advani McCutchen Doyle Chadbourne & CH2M Hill Parke
8. TELECOMMUNICATIONS Jim Tobin Jeanette Frank Urbany Investments Morrison & Chan BellSouth Forster, LLP Paul, Weiss
Robert Cox Stanley
9. CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS INTO 2000 McCutchen, Lubman Brian Walsh Doyle, Brown & Allen & Emerson Electric Enersen Overy
Prof. Robert
10. CORP. RESPONS. & INDIVID. RIGHTS Berring Simms John Kamm Bolt Hall Law Gibson, Dunn Asia Pacific School Resources
11. CAREERS IN CHINA LAW Eugene Theroux Marsha Cohan Jim Feinerman Baker & Pacific Rim Georgetown Law McKenzie Resources School
MCLE Credit
The China Business Forum certifies that an application is pending for approval of this activity for Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credit by the State Bar of California in the amount of seven hours.
Program Outline
Morning (9:00 am to 11:45 am)
* Keynote Speech: Mickey Kantor, Secretary of Commerce (invited)
* Presentation I: Understanding China's International Behavior, James Feinerman, Professor, Georgetown University Law Center
* Presentation II: The US Corporate Experience in China since 1979, Gareth Chang, President, Hughes International
Lunch Address (12:15 to 1:45 pm)
The Rule of Law in a Changing China, Zhang Yuejiao, Director, Department of Laws and Treaties, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, The People's Republic of China (Invited)
Concurrent Afternoon Sessions (2:00 to 3:30 pm)
1. Key Taxation Issues: Anna Han, Associate Professor, Santa Clara University; Joyce Peck, Managing Director of China Services, Price Waterhouse
2. Steering Clear of Corruption: Peter Pang, Partner, Landels Ripley and Diamond LLP; Anthony Ching, Partner, Graham & James; Robert Goodwin, Jr., Vice President and General Counsel, US-China Industrial Exchange
3. Commercial Dispute Resolution: Benjamin Fishburne, III, Partner, Winston & Strawn; Michael Moser, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
4. Law & Justice in Hong Kong after 1997: Daniel R. Fung, Q.C., J.P., Solicitor General of Hong Kong (invited)
5. China Law Experts: The In-House Counsel: Richard Goetz, Counsel, International Trade and Transactions, Office of the General Counsel, Ford Motor Company
3:45 to 5:15 pm
1. Protection of IPR: Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights: Andrew Y. Sun, Professor, National Law Center, The George Washington University; Joseph T. Simone, Jr., Attorney, Johnson Stokes & Master; Kevin M. Harris, Associate General Counsel and Director, International Division, Sun Microsystems Computer Company
2. Evolving Environmental Law: David Andrews, Partner, McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Enersen; Lester Ross, Attorney, Chadbourne & Parke; Ranjit Advani, Senior Vice President, CH2M Hill International
3. Telecommunications Investments: Jeanette Chan, Asian Counsel, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison; Francis Urbany, Executive Director, International & Agency Relations, BellSouth Corporation
4. Contract Negotiations into the Year 2000: Stanley Lubman, Attorney, in association with Allen & Overy
5. Corporate Responsibility and Individual Rights: Larry L. Simms, Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP; John Kamm, President, Asia Pacific Resources, Inc.
Evening Special Session: 5:30 to 6:30
- Careers in China Law: James Feinerman, Professor, Georgetown University Law Center; Marsha Cohan, Independent Attorney; of Counsel, Law Offices of Andrew J. Delaney; Eugene Theroux, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
Who Should Attend
* Lawyers
* Business Persons
* China Professionals
* Legal Scholars
* China Scholars
* Law Students
Registration Information
Conference Time and Location
Date: September 20th, 1996; Time: 9:00 am to 6:30 pm
Place: The Sheraton Palace Hotel, 2 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California.
Tel: (415) 392-8600, Fax: (415) 543-0677
Registration Fees:
Before August 19 $350 for lawyers, organization and corporate representatives; $50 for students and faculty members (proof of academic affiliation required)
After August 19 $400 for lawyers, organization and corporate representatives; $100 for students and faculty members
For more information contact Paul Lamb or Chun-Ju Chen at the US-China Business Council. TEL: (202) 429-0340; FAX: (202) 775-2476; 1818 N Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036-2406, e-mail: or visit our home page at