To: Tibetan Associations and Tibet Support Groups
Fm: Diana Takata, Students for a Free Tibet, National Office
Dt: September 27, 1996
Re: 2nd Annual National Students for a Free Tibet Conference
Students for a Free Tibet is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual SFT National Conference to be held at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island from October 18-20, 1996. Much thanks is owed to the Brown Students for a Free Tibet chapter and others who have spent many long hours organizing this conference.
As you know, Students for a Free Tibet is growing rapidly. Since the Tibetan Freedom Concert held this summer, the number of students has grown to 1,300. We are certain, however, that many more are aware and involved with the Tibetan cause.
This year's conference will be about transforming awareness into action and is therefore heavily focused on providing activist training - political, economic, social, and interfaith. We will also be electing 2 student Regional Directors for each of the 6 regions across the U.S. in order to strengthen the overall SFT organization. These Directors will be responsible for coordinating, mentoring, and mobilizing within their regions. The Directors collectively will represent the decision-making body of SFT and will work closely with the National Office. We are all very excited about this direction and know that organization, coordination, and communication are critical to effective mobilization.
We are dedicated to mobilizing on all fronts this coming year. We understand how critical this coming year is given the situation in Tibet today. We will take it as a challenge to educate ourselves, our campuses, our communities, our politicians and corporations about the responsibilities that each face with respect to issues concerning Tibet and global justice as a whole.
And we believe it is important to do this together - together with the Tibetan communities and Tibet Support Groups. Collectively there is energy and power. And we are especially excited about our continued work with Milarepa Fund. At the conference, the Tibetan Freedom Tour will be launched. Together, we will be going to schools and colleges throughout the East Coast and Midwest for about one month. This will only further add to the enthusiasm and awareness among young people in our country. Once again, the intent will be to translate awareness into action.
A mailing was recently sent out to all the Tibetan Associations and Tibet Support Groups. Enclosed in this packet is information on the conference. If you would like to attend the conference, please contact Kurt Langer at (401) 351-8169 or via email at
With Much Thanks and Enthusiasm -
Diana Takata
Students for a Free Tibet
fREE the Panchen Lama NOW! fREE Ngawang Choephel NOW! fREE
Program ---
October 18 - Friday
Registration 4-7pm
Introduction to Tibet & SFT 7-9pm
Guest Speakers
Multimedia presentation
October 19 - Saturday
Philosophy of non-violence
Workshop I
Strategy of Compassionate Economy
Tibetan Women's Issues
Education/Awareness Training
Coalition Building
Workshop II
Nonviolence Training
Strategy of Compassionate Economy
Political/Lobbying Training
Education/Awareness Training
Building Bridges: East and West
Coalition Building
Workshop III
Tibetan Women's Issues
Building Bridges
Benefit Concert
October 20 - Sunday
Brainstorming/Strategy Session in Regional Groups
Strategy Session
Coordinating Committees
Economic Action
Political Action
Financing SFT
Coordinated Actions