Published by: World Tibet Network News Issue ID: 96/10/18
Xinhua is the official news agency of the PRC.
LHASA (Oct. 16) XINHUA - Peasant farmers and herdsmen in Xigaze Prefecture, in southwestern Tibet, are making provision for a 'rainy day'.
The prefecture boasts 194 mutual assistance fund associations, with more than 400,000 farmer peasants and herdsmen as members and a total of some 10 million yuan in funds.
The mutual assistance fund, which was first set up by local farmer peasants and herdsmen eight years ago, has played an important role in ensuring a stable life for local residents.
Statistics show that in recent years, the assistance fund has provided 4.4 million yuan in interest-free loans to local people to assist them to buy fertilizers, pesticides, as well as other means of production.
From the day of its establishment, the assistance fund took the responsibility of disaster-relief in the vast pasture area by providing food, clothes, and money to disaster-hit families.
Statistics show that the assistance fund has offered over 15 million yuan over the past six years, helping to supply 250,000 people with necessary food and clothing and housing repairs.