Published by World Tibet Network News - Tuesday, October 22, 1996October 19, 1996
His Excellency
Boutros Boutros Ghali
Your Excellency,
We the members of the Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies would like to bring to your kind notice that the Chinese's have tightened their grip not only on the people of Tibet but to their own citizens. The arrest of Mr Lui Xiaobo, for his views that the Tibetans should be granted the right to Self-determination and open dialogue with H.H. the Dalai Lama is a clear indication of the deprivation of fundamental Human rights of thought and expression under the Chinese Government.
In the present world's political scenario, Mr Lui's expression is just a common assertion of many politicians, NGO's, human rights, scholars and thinkers including those of Chinese both in China and abroad. This view gained the support and was initiated by those who want to bring an amicable solution for the people of Tibet and China.
We support and appreciate Mr Lui's bold and righteous step in conciliation with what the great thinkers of the world accept to solve the present crisis which is widening the gulf of the Chinese and Tibetan people.
As protector of human rights, we request you to use your esteem office to: -
1) Ensure the immediately release Mr Lui Xiaobo,
2) Stop torturing and prosecution of nuns and monks by forcing them to accept the will and wish of the Chinese authorities through so called Re-education and search for H.H. the Dalai Lama's portraits in Tibet.
With war regards.
Yours sincerely,
Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies
Tibetan Parliament in Exile
Gangchen Kyishong
Dharamsala (H.P.)
CC: U.N.O. Embassy, (Delhi)