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Archivio federalismo
Izetbegovic Alija, Tudjman Franjo, Sarinic Hrvoje, Silajdzic Haris - 14 settembre 1993
Bosnia-Croatia: Joint Declaration

SUMMARY: Signed by the Presidents of the Republic of Croazia Franjo Tudjman, and of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Alija Izetbegovic, this text is the agreement between Croatia and Bosnia to stop the war and to establish cooperation and collaboration in the future. (Geneva 14 September 1993)

The Presidents of the Republic of Croazia Dr. Franjo Tudjman, and of the Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr Alija Izetbegovic:

- Accepting the principles of the London Conference and taking into account the solutions proposed by the Geneva Peace Conference on the constitutional arrangement of the future Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina;

- Taking into account the historical interests of the Croatian and Muslim peoples;

- Determined to immediately arrive at the cessation of hostilities and to create the conditions for peace in the areas of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina;

- Convinced of the need for a continuous strengthening of confidence between the Croatian and Muslim peoples, and for efficient steps in that regard;

- Prepared to immediately approach the normalization of relations with the Serbian people in the light of the solutions proposed by the Peace Conference in Geneva;

Have hereby agreed to:


1. Provide for the prompt cessation of all hostilities and military conflict between the units of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Croatian Defence Council (HVO) in accordance with the Agreement of 30 July 1993, immediately and by no later than 18 September 1993, at 12:00 hours.

2. Provide for the bilateral and unconditional disbanding of all detainee camps and for the release of detainees in territories under the control of the Army of the Bosnia and Herzegovlna and HVO, immediately and by no later than 21 September 1993, at 12:00 hours and bilaterally assume the responsibility for their protectlon and care.

3. Create bilaterally the conditions for Free and unhindered passage of all relief convoys and activities of humanitarian organizations.

4. Form a working group for the supervision and safeguarding of human rlghts in territories under the control of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the HVO in accordance with the principle and proposed solutions of the Peace Conference on Bosnia and Herzegovina.

5. Form a working group for matters related to the territorial delimitation between the two Republics in the envisaged Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina including access to the see,as a matter of common developmental interest.

6. Form a working group for drawiong up monitoring the implementation of comprehensive measures for building and enhancing confidence and coexistence between the Croatian and Muslim peoples including media and other activities and programmes aimed at overcoming distrust.


In order to arrange stable relations between the two States as a common contribution to regional peace, the Presidents Dr.Franjo Tudman and Mr Alija Izetbegovic have decided to form:

1. A working group to deal with humanitarian, status, material and other questions related to the position of refugees and displaced persons from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Republic of Croatia, and their return to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

7. A Working group for rhe drawing up of interstate agreements, including agreements in the use of power and port facilities, traffic arteries, communications and other economic potentials.

3. The two Presidents have agreed that they would bring their influence to bear on providing for the appropriate support of international political and financial organization in the reconstruction and development of the two States.

For the sake of a prompt, comprehensive and credible implementation of all the measures and acrivities envisaged in thls Joint Declaration, the Presidents Dr. Franjo Tudman and Mr Alija Izetbegovic have decided to appoint their personal trustees having full authority and responsibility for the complete implementation of the accords envisaged in this Declaration.

President Dr. Franjo Tudman has appointed as his trustee, Dr. Mate Granic, Vice Premier and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia.

President Mr Alija Izetbegovic has appointed as his trustee, Dr. Haris Silajdzic, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Presidents and their personal trustees will seek and secure the assistance and cooperation of international polilical, humanitarian and other organizations and factors for the sake of comprehensive implementation of all measures envisaged in this Declaration and in the interest of establishing permanent peace and stability in this part of the world.

The President of the The President of the

Republic of Croatia Presidency of Bosnia

and Herzegovina

Dr. Franjo Tudman Mr Alija Izetbegovic

Geneva 14 September 1993

This Declaration was agreed upon and adopted in the presence of the following personalities:

Republic of Croatia Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mr. Hrvoje Sarinic Dr. Haris Silajdzic

Dr. Zeljko Matic Dr. Ejup Ganic

Dr. Miomir Zuzul Dr. Muhamed Filipovic

Mr Hidajet Biscevic Dr. Ivo Komsic

Argomenti correlati:
ex Jugoslavia
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