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Archivio federalismo
Federalist Debate - 1 maggio 1994
Resolution on neo-fascism of the UEF.


The Federalist Debate VII N.2, 1994

The Federal Committee of the UEF meeting in Geneva on 30 April and 1 May 1994,

deeply concerned at the increasing strength of neo-fascism and extreme nationalism in Europe;

notes with particular concern the prospect that the Italian government may send neo-fascist ministers as its representatives in meetings of the Council of the European Union;

draws to the attention of the Italian government and citizens the difficulties that this would present to representatives of other Member States who might have to consider the form of their participation in any such meetings;

recalls the Italian referendum of 1989 in which 88% expressed themselves in favour of a constituent mandate for the European Parliament;

expects the new Italian Government not to betray the wishes of the Italian people and calls upon both the democratic forces and the Parliament to hold the government to this commitment.

Argomenti correlati:
comitato federale
unione europea
ginevra 30/4/94
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