1.Approval of Minutes
2.Request for withdrawal of a proposal for a Directive
3.Documents received
4.European Investment Fund * (Rule 143)
5.Statute of Court of Justice (EU Treaty) (Rule 143)
6.Statute of Court of Justice (EEA Agreement) (Rule 143)
7.Steel industry (vote)
8.Employment creation in the Maghreb countries **I (debate and vote)
9.EC Investment Partners **I (debate and vote)
10.Aid for cotton * (debate and vote)
11.NAFO pilot observer scheme * (debate and vote)
12.Characteristics of fishing vessels * (debate and vote)
13.Fishing off Angola * (debate and vote)
14.EC-Morocco fisheries agreement (debate and vote)
15.POSEIMA programme (debate and vote)
16.Membership of committees
17.Forwarding of resolutions adopted during the sitting
18.Dates for next part-session
19.Adjournment of session