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Consiglio di Sicurezza - 15 agosto 1974
RESOLUTION 358 (1974)


S/RES/358 (1974)

15 August 1974

Adopted by the Security Council at its 1793rd meeting on 15 August 1974

The Security Council,

Deeply concerned about the continuation of violence and bloodshed in Cyprus,

Deeply deploring the non-compliance with its resolution 357 (1974) of 14 August 1974,

1. Recalls its resolutions 353 (1974) of 20 July, 354 (1974) of 23 July, 355 (1974) of 1 August 1974 and 357 (1974);

2. Insists on the full implementation of the above resolutions by all parties and on the immediate and strict observance of the cease-fire.

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