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Consiglio di Sicurezza - 28 marzo 1979
RESOLUTION 447 (1979)


S/RES/447 (1979)

28 March 1979

Adopted by the Security Council at its 2139th meeting on 28 March 1979

The Security Council,

Having considered the request of the Permanent Representative of Angola contained in document S/13176, as well as his letter dated 16 March 1979 transmitting the text of a communique issued by the Ministry of Defence of the People's Republic of Angola,

Having heard the statement of the Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of Angola,

Having heard the statement of the Vice-President of the South West Africa People's Organization,

Recalling its resolution 387 (1976) of 31 March 1976, by which, inter alia, it condemned South Africa's aggression against the People's Republic of Angola and demanded that South Africa should scrupulously respect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the People's Republic of Angola,

Bearing in mind its resolution 428 (1978) of 6 May 1978, by which, inter alia, it solomnly warned that, in the event of further acts of violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Angola, it would meet again in order to consider the adoption of more effective measures in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, including Chapter VII thereof,

Gravely concerned at the premeditated, persistent and sustained armed invasions committed by South Africa in violation of the sovereignty, air space and territorial integrity of the People's Republic of Angola,

Convinced that the intensity and timing of these acts of armed invasion are intended to frustrate efforts at negotiated settlements in southern Africa, particularly in regard to the implementation of Security Council resolutions 385 (1976) of 30 January 1976 and 435 (1978) of 29 September 1978,

Grieved at the tragic and mounting loss in human life, included that of civilians and Namibian refugees in Angola and other front-line States, and concerned about the damage and wanton destruction of property caused by the South African armed invasions of Angola launched from Namibia, a Territory which South Africa illegally occupies,

Reaffirming the inalienable right of the people of Namibia to self-determination and independence in accordance with resolutions 385 (1976) and 435 (1978) and all other relevant resolutions of the United Nations, and the legitimacy of their struggle to secure the exercise of such rights as set forth in these resolutions,

Reaffirming also its condemnation of South Africa's continued illegal occupation occupation of Namibia and the militarization of the Territory, through which it persists in its suppression of the legitimate aspirations of the Namibian people to self-determination and independence as well as in its armed invasions against neighbouring African States,

1. Condemns strongly the racist regime of South Africa for its premeditated, persistent and sustained armed invasions of the People's Republic of Angola, which constitute a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of that country as well as a serious threat to international peace and security;

2. Condemns strongly also South Africa's utilization of the international Territory of Namibia as a springboard for armed invasions and destabilization of the People's Republic of Angola;

3. Demands that South Africa cease immediately its provocative armed invasions against the People's Republic of Angola and that it respect forthwith the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of that country;

4. Commends the People's Republic of Angola and other front-line States for their steadfast support of the people of Namibia in their just and legitimate struggle against the illegal occupation of their territory by South Africa and for the enjoyment of their inalienable rights to self-determination and national independence;

5. Requests Member States urgently to extend all necessary assistance to the People's Republic of Angola and other front-line States, in order to strengthen their defence capacities;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to obtain available information from the People's Republic of Angola on the human casualties and material and other damage resulting from repeated acts of aggression committed by the racist regime of South Africa;

7. Further requests the Secretary-General to submit such information to the Security Council not later than 30 April 1979, in order to enable it to determine the most effective sanctions in accordance with the appropriate provisons of the Charter of the United Nations so as to ensure the cessation by South Africa of its acts of aggression against Angola and other front-line States.

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