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General Assembly - 19 marzo 1981
Resolution A36r138

15 Dicembre 1981

Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

The General Assembly,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,

Bearing in mind Security Council resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) of 19 March 1978, 427 (1978) of 3 May 1978, 434 (1978) of 18 September 1978, 444 (1979) of 19 January 1979, 450 (1979) of 14 June 1979, 459 (1979) of 19 December 1979, 474 (1980) of 17 June 1980, 483 (1980) of 17 December 1980, 488 (1981 ) of 19 June 1981, 498 (1981) of 18 December 1981 and 501 (1982) of 25 February 1982,

Recalling its resolutions S-8/2 of 21 April 1978, 33/14 of 3 November 1978, 34/9 B of 17 December 1979, 35/44 of 1 December 1980, 35/115 A of 10 December 1980 and 36/138 A of 16 December 1981,

Reaffirming its previous decisions regarding the fact that, in order to meet the expenditures caused by such operations, a different procedure from the one applied to meet expenditures of the regular budget of the United Nations is required,

Taking into account the fact that the economically more developed countries are in a position to make relatively larger contributions and that the economically less developed countries have a relatively limited capacity to contribute towards peace-keeping operations involving heavy expenditures,

Bearing in mind the special responsibilities of the States permanent members of the Security Council in the financing of peace-keeping operations decided upon in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Authorizes the Secretary-General to enter into commitments for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon in an amount not to exceed $9,825,000 gross ($9,822,000 net) for the period from 25 February to 18 June 1982 inclusive, in addition to the amounts authorized for the Force under General Assembly resolution 36/138 A, to finance the increase in the strength of the Force approved by the Security Council under its resolution 501 (1982), the said amount to be apportioned among Member States in accordance with the scheme set out in Assembly resolution 33/14 and the provisions of section V, paragraph 1, of resolution 34/9 B, section VI, paragraph 1, of resolution 35/115 A and section V, paragraph 1, of resolution 36/138 A, in the proportions determined by the scale of assessments for the years 1980, 1981 and 1982;

2. Further authorizes the Secretary-General to enter into commitments for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, for the same purpose, at a rate not to exceed $1,913,000 gross ($1,910,333 net) per month for the period from 19 June to 18 December 1982 inclusive, in addition to the amounts authorized for the Force under General Assembly resolution 36/138 A, should the Security Council decide to continue the Force beyond the period of six months authorized under its resolution 498 (1981), the said amount to be apportioned among Member States in accordance with the scheme set out in Assembly resolution 33/14 and the provisions of section V, paragraph 1, of resolution 34/9 B, section VI, paragraph 1, of resolution 35/115 A and section V, paragraph 1, of resolution 36/138 A, in the proportions determined by the scale of assessments for the year 1980, 1981 and 1982.

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