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Archivio ONU
General Assembly - 28 aprile 1981
Resolution A36r244

28 April 1982

enlargement of the executive board of the united nations

Children's Fund

the general assembly,

convinced that a strengthened and expanded United Nations Children's Fund necessitates the increased participation of Member States in the work of the Executive Board of the Fund,

Recalling its resolution 417 (V) of 1 December 1950, which established the importance of constituting the Executive Board with due regard to geographical distribution and to the representation of the major contributing and recipient countries, Noting that the composition of the Executive Board was last considered by the General Assembly at its eleventh session, when the Assembly adopted resolution 1038 (XI) of 7 Decemeber 1956, replacing paragraph 6 (a) of resolution 417 (V),

1. Decides, without prejudice to arrangements which might be made in other bodies, to enlarge the membership of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund to forty-one members, to be elected from States Members of the United Nations or members of specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency, subject to the following conditions:

(a) Nine seats for African States;

(b) Nine seats for Asian States;

(c) Four seats for Eastern European States;

(d) Six seats for Latin American States;

(e) Twelve seats for Western European and Other States;

(f) One seat to be rotated among the five regional groups, in the following order:

(i) African States;

(ii) Latin American States;

(iii) Asian States;

(iv) Western European and Other States;

(v) Eastern European States;

(g) Without prejudice to the terms of the States already elected, elections to these forty-one seats shall be for a term of three years and retiring members shall be eligible for re-election;

2. Requests the Economic and Social Council to elect. at its first regular session of 1982 , the additional eleven members of the Executive Board.

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