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General Assembly - 11 novembre 1981
Resolution A36r025

11 November 1981

52nd plenary meeting

Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency

The General Assembly,

Having received the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency to the General Assembly for the year 1980,

Taking note of the statement by the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency of 10 November 1981, which provides additional information on developments in the Agency's activities during 1981,

Conscious of the urgent need to develop all sources of energy, with a view to helping both developing and industrialized countries to mitigate the effects of the energy crisis, and bearing in mind the fact that nuclear energy remains the main readily available alternative to fossil fuel for the generation of large amounts of electric power,

Recognizing the importance of enhancing the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the promotion of the application of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes,

Considering that the International Atomic Energy Agency will be called upon to play an increasingly important role in making the benefits of nuclear energy available to all nations, in particular the developing countries,

Conscious of the continuing need to protect mankind from the perils resulting from the misuse of nuclear energy and noting with appreciation in this connexion the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the implementation of the relevant provisions of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and other international treaties, conventions and agreements designed to achieve similar objectives,

Noting the excellent safety record of nuclear power generation, but aware of the need to pay continuing attention to the questions of nuclear safety and waste management, Bearing in mind the special needs of developing countries for technical assistance by the International Atomic Energy Agency in order to benefit effectively from the application of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes as well as from the contribution of nuclear energy to their economic development, and the need to assure a satisfactory and effective source of financing to implement adequate and effective technical assistance programmes,

Considering that the premeditated Israeli air attack on Iraqi nuclear installations on 7 June 1981 constitutes a serious threat to the entire International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards and to the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes,

Conscious of the importance of developing ways and means in which supplies of nuclear material, equipment and technology and fuel cycle services could be assured on a more predictable and long-term basis, in accordance with mutually acceptable considerations of non-proliferation, and of the importance of the role and responsibilities of the International Atomic Energy Agency in this regard,

Noting that the present Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Dr. Sigvard Eklund, will retire on 30 November 1981 after twenty years of service as Director-General and that the General Conference of the Agency has decided to confer upon him the title of Director-General Emeritus of the International Atomic Energy Agency,

Noting further that the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency approved the appointment by the Board of Governors of the Agency of Dr. Hans Blix as Dr. Eklund's successor,

1. Takes note of the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency;

2. Notes with satisfaction that:

(a) The International Atomic Energy Agency is continuously making efforts to strengthen its activities in the field of technical assistance to the developing countries;

(b) Assistance provided by the International Atomic Energy Agency is playing a significiant role in the introduction of nuclear power for peaceful purposes as well as in the application of nuclear science and technology, particularly in the fields of agriculture, medicine and industry in the developing countries;

(c) The International Atomic Energy Agency is considering appropriate measures for funding technical assistance through predictable and assured resources and for enabling progress in technical assistance to keep pace with progress in other main activities of the Agency;

3. Commends the International Atomic Energy Agency for its continuing efforts to ensure the safe and secure use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes throughout the world, notes with satisfaction the steady improvement of the Agency's safeguards system and welcomes the conclusion that in 1980, as in previous years, nuclear materials under Agency safeguards remained in peaceful nuclear activities or was otherwise adequately accounted for;

4. Notes with appreciation the steps taken by the International Atomic Energy Agency to expand and strengthen its programmes in nuclear safety and enhance its ability to deal with emergencies;

5. Urges all States to continue to support the endeavours of the International Atomic Energy Agency, pursuant to its statute, in furthering the peaceful uses of nuclear power, improving the effectiveness of safeguards and promoting nuclear safety;

6. Urges all States that have not already done so to ratify the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, which was opened for signature on 3 March 1980;

7. Calls upon all States to respect fully their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, including in particular any armed attack on its nuclear installations;

8. Notes with satisfaction that:

(a) Substantive work has commenced in the Committee on Assurances of Supply established by the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency in June 1980, and expresses the hope that progress in its work will greatly contribute to the success of the United Nations Conference on the Promotion of International Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, to be held in 1983;

(b) The International Atomic Energy Agency will convene a conference on nuclear power experience at Vienna in September 1982, which could also provide a useful technical input to the United Nations Conference;

(c) The International Atomic Energy Agency is prepared, in response to paragraph 5 of General Assembly resolution 35/112 of 5 December 1980, to fulfil its appropriate role within the scope of its responsibilities at all stages of preparation of the United Nations Conference, and during the Conference itself, by contributing to the discussion of relevant issues, by providing technical data and documentation as needed, particularly in relation to the progress of the work of the Committee on Assurances of Supply, and by participating in the secretariat of the Conference;

(d) There is continuing progress in studies by the International Atomic Energy Agency aimed at establishing a system of international storage of plutonium and the international management of spent fuel;

9. Notes that the matter referred to in paragraph 8 of General Assembly resolution 35/17 was considered by the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency at its twenty-fifth regular session and expresses the hope that it will be brought to an early conclusion;

10. Pays tribute to Dr. Sigvard Eklund for his distinguished services in guiding and directing the successful evolution of the International Atomic Energy Agency during the past twenty years and for the outstanding contribution he has made to the promotion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and the cause of peace;

11. Extends it congratulations and good wishes to Dr. Hans Blix who has been appointed to succeed Dr. Sigvard Eklund;

12. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit to the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency the records of the thirty-sixth session of the General Assembly relating to the Agency's activities.

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