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Archivio ONU
General Assembly - 16 dicembre 1981
Resolution A36r163

16 December 1981

Question of involuntary or enforced disappearances

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 33/173 of 20 December 1978, entitled "Disappeared persons", and its resolution 35/193 of 15 December 1980 on involuntary or enforced disappearances,

Bearing in mind Commission of Human Rights resolution 10 (XXXVII) of 26 February 1981, in which it was decided to extend for one year the term of the working group's mandate, and Economic and Social Council decision 1981/139 which approved that decision,

Convinced that the action taken, in consultation with the Governments concerned, to promote the implementation of the provisions of General Assembly resolution 33/173 and other United Nations resolutions relevant to the plight of missing or disappeared persons, should be continued,

Expressing its emotion at the anguish and sorrow of the families of victims of involuntary or enforced disappearances,

1. Welcomes the decision of the Commission on Human Rights to extend for one year the term of the Working Group's mandate, as laid down in Commission resolution 10 (XXXVII);

2. Expresses its appreciation to the Working Group for the work done and to those Governments which have co-operated with it;

3. Requests the Commission on Human Rights to continue to study this question as a matter of priority, and to take any step it may deem necessary to the pursuit of the task of the working group, when it considers the report to be submitted by the group at its thirty-eighth session;

4. Appeals to all Governments to provide the Working Group and the Commission on Human Rights with the full co-operation warranted by their strictly humanitarian objectives and their working methods based on discretion;

5. Renews its request to the Secretary-General to continue to provide the Working Group with all necessary assistance.

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