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General Assembly - 16 dicembre 1981
Resolution A36r169

16 December 1981

Observance of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The General Assembly,

Considering that the year 1983 will mark the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which, conceived "as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations", has been and rightly continues to be a fundamental source of inspiration for national and international efforts for the protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Aware that for their full observance human rights must be ensured to all human beings and that this aim cannot be attained unless human rights are made known to them, particularly through teaching and education,

Recalling, in this respect, that the General Assembly in proclaiming the Declaration, demanded that "every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms",

Recalling also its resolution 32/123 of 16 December 1977 concerning the observance of the thirtieth anniversary of the Declaration,

Appealing to Member States, the specialized agencies and all international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, concerned with the protection and promotion of human rights, to take appropriate measures to ensure that the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights is the occasion of special efforts to promote international understanding, co-operation and peace as well as the universal and effective respect for human rights, particularly by laying stress on the educational approach both within and outside formal school systems,

Desiring to give appropriate significance to the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Declaration,

Taking note with appreciation of the suggestions contained in the note by the Secretary-General concerning the observance of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Declaration,

1. Invites Member States, the specialized agencies, and regional intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations to take appropriate measures, such as those contained in the annex to the present resolution, to celebrate the thirty-fifth

anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to initiate appropriate activities at the United Nations level, such as those indicated in the annex to the present resolution, to celebrate the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Declaration;

3. Invites the United Nations Postal Administration to consider issuing commemorative postage stamps on the occasion of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

4. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its thirty-eighth session an item entitled "Thirty-five years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: international co-operation for the promotion and observance of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights" and recommends that this item should be considered in plenary meeting;

5. Further decides to hold a special commemorative meeting to celebrate the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Declaration, which falls on 10 December 1983, and requests the Secretary-General to make the necessary preparations for the programme of this meeting.

ANNEX Suggested measures for the celebration of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1. The following suggestions are made for possible action at the national level:

(a) The formal proclamation of 10 December 1983 as Human Rights Day;

(b) The issuing of special messages on 10 December 1983 by Heads of State or Government or other prominent civil personalities;

(c) Special meetings of parliamentary and other public and private institutions on Human Rights Day;

(d) The undertaking of special efforts by States that have not yet ratified or acceded to the international instruments of the United Nations in the field of human rights, including those instruments specifically related to the rights of women, to become parties to these international instruments;

(e) The establishment or strengthening of national or local institutions for the promotion and the protection of human rights;

(f) The encouragement of teaching programmes on human rights at the various levels of education;

(g) The dissemination of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in national languages, including languages of minorities;

(h) The issuing of human rights stamps, first-day covers and special cancellations during 1983;

(i) The encouragement of non-governmental organizations to participate fully in the celebration and to organize activities of their own;

(j) The undertaking of activities in the framework of and in support of current Decades and International Years being prepared on human rights issues;

(k) The organization of a special essay competition for secondary or high school children on the topic "What the Universal Declaration of Human Rights should mean to our generation".

2. It is recommended that the following measures, among others, should be taken at the United Nations level:

(a) Organization of commemorative events at United Nations Headquarters, at the United Nations Office at Geneva and at the Vienna International Centre on or around 10 December 1983;

(b) Organization in 1983 at Geneva of a special international seminar to discuss the experiences of different countries in the implementation of international standards on human rights;

(c) Dissemination by the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat of appropriate public information, broadcasting and audio-visual material designed to draw attention to and emphasize the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the role played and work done by the United Nations to ensure the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms;

(d) Issuance of updated versions in all official languages of the United Nations of the publications Human Rights: A Compilation of International Instruments of the United Nations and United Nations Action in the Field of Human Rights;

(e) The design and distribution of an appropriate United Nations poster to commemorate the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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