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Archivio ONU
General Assembly - 17 dicembre 1981
Resolution A36r205

17 December 1981

Assistance for the reconstruction and development of Lebanon

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolutions 33/146 of 20 December 1978, 34/135 of 14 December 1979 and 35/85 of 5 December 1980 on assistance for the reconstruction and development of Lebanon,

Recalling also Economic and Social Council resolution 1980/15 of 29 April 1980,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on assistance for the reconstruction and development of Lebanon,

Taking note of the statement made by the United Nations Co-ordinator of Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon before the Second Committee,

1. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General for the steps he has taken to mobilize assistance for Lebanon;

2. Commends the continuous efforts of the United Nations Co-ordinator of Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon in the discharge of his duties;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to continue and intensify his efforts to provide all possible assistance within the United Nations system to help the Government of Lebanon in its reconstruction and development plans and in their implementation;

4. Invites the specialized agencies, organs and other bodies of the United Nations system to expand and intensify programmes of assistance within the framework of the needs of Lebanon;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to provide, in the manner he deems appropriate, all possible assistance to the Resident Co-ordinator, so that he may engage in co-ordinating the continuing United Nations activities in Lebanon, with a view to ensuring their harmony and success;

6. Also requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its thirty-seventh session on the progress achieved in the implementation of the present resolution.

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