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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 28 aprile 1982
Member Name E82r008

Measures to improve international co-operation in the interdiction of illicit drug traffic

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling the need for close co-operation among law enforcement authorities in investigating the illicit traffic in narcotics and psychotropic substances,

Bearing in mind Commission on Narcotic Drugs resolutions 2 (S-V) of 22 February 1978, 5 (XXVIII) of 21 February 1979, 4 (S-VI) of 20 February 1980 and 3 (XXIX) of 10 February 1981, as well as the relevant provisions of the international Conventions,

Firmly believing that, to be effective in combating and interdicting the illicit traffic, measures employed by customs and drug control administrations must be given wide international support,

1. Urges all Governments, whenever necessary, to strengthen their customs and drug control bodies with a view to promoting the interdiction of substances diverted to illicit channels, by means which include the provision of timely, relevant information and co-operation to the fullest extent possible with national and international organizations working in this area;

2. Appeals to all States to develop means of more effectively monitoring shipments of controlled drugs within and across their borders, particularly within free trading zones;

3. Calls upon States, subject to their constitutional limitations, their legal systems and domestic law, to pass and enforce laws that make the deliberate misrepresentation or mislabelling of controlled narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances punishable offences, or to take other suitable measures for their control;

4. Invites all Governments to respond positively to the suggestion of the International Narcotics Control Board that a list should be made of the precursors and reagents most widely used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances by submitting this information to the Secretary-General at his request, and bringing the list to the attention of their police, customs and other control authorities;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the text of the present resolution to all Governments and to invite them to bring it to the attention of their competent authorities in order to ensure the implementation of its provisions.

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