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Archivio ONU
Economic and Social Council - 3 maggio 1982
Member Name E82r014

20th plenary meeting

3 May 1982

Establishment of a regional office at Lima for co-ordinating narcotics control

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling the resolutions on the problem of drug abuse control adopted in recent years by the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the World Health Organization and other competent bodies,

Recalling, in particular, General Assembly resolution 36/168 of 16 December 1981, by which the Assembly adopted the International Drug Abuse Control Strategy and the basic five-year programme of action dealt with in Commission on Narcotic Drugs resolution 1 (XXIX) of 11 February 1981, which the Economic and Social Council decided to transmit to the General Assembly by its decision 1981/113 of 6 May 1981,

Convinced that greater control of the production and distribution of narcotics and a reduction of the demand for illicit narcotics are necessary prerequisites for reducing the illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances,

Conscious of the linkages between drug trafficking and serious problems of a socio-economic nature, which are reflected in an intensification of organized crime, the illegal acquisition of firearms, exchange-control violations, customs offences and various other forms of criminality,

Acknowledging that constraints of an economic and technical nature are obstacles for many developing countries in their fight against drug trafficking,

Drawing attention to the need for developing country producers of narcotic drugs to receive more assistance from Governments and international organizations concerned, so that they will be able to facilitate drug abuse control by implementing policies of crop substitution and programmes of industrial and rural development,

Taking into account United Nations programmes related to combating the problem of drug trafficking, in particular the International Drug Abuse Control Strategy, which recognize the need to encourage activities at the regional level, inter alia, by grouping together geographical areas with similar social, economic and cultural characteristics and by preparing one or more strategies for those areas which should be effective in the short term,

Considering that the increase in coca production in the Andean subregion is assuming alarming proportions, owing to the growing illicit demand for cocaine throughout the world, and that it is therefore necessary to deal with the problem globally in all its manifestations,

1. Calls upon the Commission on Narcotic Drugs to give higher priority to the problems of illicit production of narcotic drugs and the trafficking in and abuse of narcotic drugs in the Andean subregion, including in particular coca, and to formulate, with the participation of the United Nations narcotics agencies, a more specific strategy and programmes for the subregion within its regular budget and through voluntary contributions;

2. Requests the Secretary-General, through the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control, to assist in co-ordinating international narcotics control efforts in the Andean subregion, and to consider the establishment of a regional office at Lima, taking into account the recommendations concerning regional activities outlined in the International Drug Abuse Control Strategy, as agreed to in General Assembly resolution 36/168;

3. Requests specialized agencies, Member States and non-governmental organizations to assist in the implementation of the present resolution and to collaborate in any projects and activities which may become part of the programme;

4. Urges Governments to support United Nations efforts in the Andean subregion by contributing to the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control.

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