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Economic and Social Council - 27 luglio 1982
Member Name E82r046

48th plenary meeting

27 July 1982

Human settlements

A International co-operation in the field of human settlements

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling General Assembly resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974, containing the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974, containing the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, and 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on development and international economic co-operation,

Recalling also the principles and aims stipulated in the Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements, 1976, and the recommendations adopted by Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, and General Assembly resolutions 32/162 of 19 December 1977 on institutional arrangements for international co-operation in the field of human settlements and 34/116 of 14 December 1979 on the strengthening of human settlements activities,

Recalling further Council resolution 1981/69 A of 24 July 1981 on international co-operation in the field of human settlements,

Reaffirming its belief that human settlements activities can be a major contributor to national economic and social development and should be viewed as such,

Reaffirming also the need for system-wide harmonization and co-ordination of the activities of the United Nations system in the field of human settlements,

Having considered the report of the Commission on Human Settlements on the work of its fifth session,

1. Takes note of the report of the Commission on Human Settlements on the work of its fifth session;

2. Recommends to the General Assembly, for consideration and decision at its thirty-seventh session, those resolutions and decisions adopted by the Commission at its fifth session which require action by the Assembly;

3. Urges the Commission on Human Settlements and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) to accelerate their efforts to achieve greater harmonization and co-ordination of human settlements activities in the United Nations system, in accordance with their respective mandate under General Assembly resolution 32/162, and calls on the relevant specialized agencies and other bodies and organizations of the United Nations system to co-operate with the Commission and the Centre in these efforts;

4. Urges further the Commission on Human Settlements to continue to take account of and to provide adequate support to technical co-operation among developing countries in the formulation and implementation of its programmes on human settlements.

B International Year of Shelter for the Homeless

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling its resolution 1981/69 B of 24 July 1981 on the proposal to declare an international year of shelter for the homeless,

Recalling also General Assembly resolution 36/71 of 4 December 1981, in which the Assembly decided, in principle, to designate 1987 as the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless,

Having considered the report of the Executive Director of the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) containing proposals on a specific programme of measures and activities to be undertaken prior to and during the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless,

Noting that the Commission on Human Settlements, in its resolution 5/14 of 7 May 1982, unanimously welcomed and endorsed the Executive Director's proposals on strategies and criteria, as well as guidelines for national, regional and international action, and took note of the institutional and administrative arrangements proposed by the Executive Director as a cost-effective way to organize and co-ordinate the activities of the Year,

Welcoming in particular the proposal to carry out and co-ordinate the activities of the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless within the framework of existing institutions,

Convinced that the holding of an international year devoted to the problems of homeless people in urban and rural areas, particularly in the developing countries, would contribute significantly to economic development and social justice in conditions of international peace and security,

Having noted the views of the Commission on Human Settlements and the proposals outlined in the Executive Director's report, as reflected in Commission resolution 5/14,

1. Endorses the recommendations made by the Commission on Human Settlements in its resolution 5/14 to the General Assembly at its thirty-seventh session, on the understanding that the criteria for financing and organizing international years set out in the annex to Economic and Social Council resolution 1980/67 of 25 July 1980 will be complied with;

2. Urges that the proposals on a specific programme of measures and activities to be undertaken prior to and during the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless be adjusted in accordance with the availability of voluntary contributions;

3. Further urges that the main thrust of the specific programme of measures and activities to be undertaken prior to and during the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless be placed at the national and local levels;

4. Appeals to all Governments, especially those of developing countries, and others in a position to do so, international financial institutions, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and others in the public and private sectors to extend generous financial and other appropriate support to the programme for the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless;

5. Recommends that provision be made in the agenda of each sesion of the Commission up to the year 1987 for such donors to indicate the nature and extent of the support which they propose to give to the programme for the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless.

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