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Economic and Social Council - 28 luglio 1982
Member Name E82r051

49th plenary meeting

28 July 1982

Report of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling General Assembly resolution 36/197 of l7 December 1981 and Council resolution 1981/56 of 22 July 1971, in which, inter alia, the principles and guidelines for the programme activities of the United Nations Children's Fund, as laid down by its Executive Board, in particular and field-oriented and action-oriented approach of the Fund, were reaffirmed,

Having considered the decisions and conclusions adopted by the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund at its session held at United Nations Headquarters from 10 to 21 May 1982, in particular the policy reviews on the co-operation of the Fund in urban basic services and at intermediate and local levels in developing countries,

Deeply concerned that the present global economic situation adversely affects both the ability of developing countries to implement plans for the extension of basic services to children and mothers and the level of contributions to the Fund and other organizations concerned for those purposes,

Noting with appreciation the exceptional efforts that have recently been made by certain Governments to augment their contributions to the Fund,

Taking note of the message adopted by consensus by the Executive Board, addressed to the General Assembly at its second special session devoted to disarmament, in which the Board appealed for a reduction of expenditures on armamants so that a portion of the savings could be channelled through national or multinational programmes towards meeting the minimum needs of children everywhere,

Aware that significant progress can be made in alleviating the situation of children and mothers in developing countries with relatively modest increases in contributions to the Fund and to other organizations sharing similar concern, pending progress in the implementation of the new international economic order,

1. Endorses the policies, actions and conclusions of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund as adopted at its session held from 10 to 21 May 1982;

2. Commends the Executive Director and the secretariat of the Fund for their energetic and imaginative efforts to enlarge the income of the Fund during the past year;

3. Also commends all organizations concerned in supporting the activities of the Fund, notably the National Committees for the Fund and the co-operating non-governmental organizations, as well as other organizations of the United Nations system, and urges them to intensify such co-operation;

4. Expresses its appreciation to Governments that have responded to the needs of the Fund and hopes that more Member States will follow their example;

5. Appeals to all Governments to increase their contributions, if possible on a multiyear basis, so that, in the current global economic situation, the Fund may be able to augment its co-operation with developing countries and respond to the urgent needs of the children in those countries.

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