Member Name E82r05930 JULY L982
International assistance to the flood-stricken areas of Democratic Yemen
The Economic and Social Council,
Recalling its resolution 1982/6 of 28 April 1982, concerning the extensive devastation caused by the recent floods in Democratic Yemen,
Noting with satisfaction the prompt relief assistance rendered by Member States and agencies of the United Nations system, as well as by regional and international organizations,
Taking note of the detailed assessment of the extent and nature of the damage caused by the floods, as contained in the report prepared by the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator,
Considering that Democratic Yemen, being a least developed country, is unable to sustain the mounting burden of providing prompt and adequate food and shelter for the large number of people made homeless by the floods and of undertaking rehabilitation and reconstruction measures in the affected areas,
1. Endorses the request contained in resolution 107 (IX) of 11 May 1982 of the Economic Commission for Western Asia for the urgent establishment of a programme for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the flood-stricken areas of Democratic Yemen;
2. Requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary measures to assist the Government of Democratic Yemen in the preparation of a comprehensive programme for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the affected areas within the framework of the Substantial New Programme of Action for the 1980s for the Least Developed Countries;
3. Urgently appeals to States Members of the United Nations, as well as to regional and international organizations, to contribute generously to the funding of the rehabilitation and reconstruction programme and to participate actively in its implementation;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to submit an oral report on the implementation of the present resolution to the General Assembly at its thirty-seventh session.