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Economic and Social Council - 30 luglio 1982
Member Name E82r063

30 July 1982

Regional programming, operations, restructuring, and decentralization issues with respect to the Economic Commission for Africa

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling General Assembly resolution 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975, by which, inter alia, the Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the United Nations System was established,

Recalling further General Assembly resolution 32/197 of 20 December 1977, 33/202 of 29 January 1979 and 34/206 of 19 December 1979 on the restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system,

Mindful of the terms of reference of the Economic Commission for Africa, in which it is stated, inter alia, that the Commission shall participate in measures for facilitating concerted action for the economic development of Africa, including its social aspects, with a view to raising the level of economic activity and levels of living in Africa, and shall assist in the formulation and development of co-ordinated policies as a basis for practical action in promoting economic and technological development in the region,

Having considered the report of the Joint Inspection Unit entitled "Economic Commission for Africa: regional programming, operations, restructuring and decentralization issues", which is one of a number of studies on progress in implementing General Assembly resolution 32/197, and the comments of the Secretary-General thereon,

1. Takes note of the recommendations contained in the report of the Joint Inspection Unit;

2. Approves the comments of the Secretary-General on the report of the Joint Inspection Unit;

3. Decides to examine further the restructuring and decentralization issues, taking into account the comments of the Secretary-General;

4. Appeals to organizations of the United Nations system, in the context of the present resolution, to assist African Governments, within the framework of their country programming process, in incorporating the goals and objectives of the Lagos Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Monrovia Strategy for the Economic Development of Africa into their sectoral country programmes and projects, and adapting them to subregional and regional priorities, and stresses the role of the resident co-ordinators in Africa in this respect;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to take appropriate measures with regard to the recommendations contained in the report of the Joint Inspection Unit, in particular those which are urgent and require priority, and to report thereon to the Economic and Social Council at its second regular session of 1983;

6. Requests the General Assembly to consider appropriate measures to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the above-mentioned measures, and requests the Secretary-General to submit a progress report on the implementation of the present resolution through the Economic and Social Council at its second regular session of 1984 to the General Assembly at its thirty-ninth session.

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